Animal Products Technology

Name: Animal Products Technology
Code: ZOO10426M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Agricultural and Food Engineering

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


Study of technological processes related to the production of meat and meat products, egg products, seafood processing and different dairy products.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

To know the technological processes of different products of animal origin. The technology of meat covered the following topics: processing, preservation and quality of fresh meat, and the technology of processing of various meat products. To know how to evaluate eggs freshness and commercialization norms, and egg products processing (e.g. pasteurized egg products). To know how to evaluate fish freshness and the main processes of fish conservation/ transformation. To know the technological processes for the production of UHT milk, and manufacture of cheese, cream, butter, ice cream, powdered milk and fermented milks.

To know and apply the principles and elements of the manufacturing technology and processing of animal products, evaluate the quality of products in the technological components, sensory and hygienic-sanitary.


Meat and products technology. Slaughter technology. Classification of carcasses. Meat cuts and the commercial classification. Conservation of meat. Conversion of muscle into meat. Properties of fresh meat. Maturation of fresh meat. Mechanisms of transformation of sausages. Additives. Chitterlings. Technology for processing meat products. In the fish studied is the quality of fresh fish and the main processes of transformation / conservation of fish. Egg and egg products. Are studied the physical and chemical characteristics of the chicken egg. Criteria for quality of fresh egg and processing od egg products. Chemical composition and physical properties of milk. Microbiology of milk. Processing of milk. Nat. Butter. Ice cream. Composition and ingredients. Evaporated and condensed milk. Dried milk or milk powder. Fermented milk and cheese.

Teaching Methods

Theoretical/practical and tutorial
Theoretical lecture of the subjects in classes, complemented with the case study from laboratorial experiences with analysis and discussion of the results. The preparation of a report involves literature search, interpretation and information organization.
Availability of lessons and other documentation in Moodle.

Evaluation :
Case studies (in group) (25%)
Assessment theoretical-practical (75%)