Polymers and Applications

Name: Polymers and Applications
Code: QUI13549M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Chemistry

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

This curriculum unit (UC) aims to provide students with skills supported on strong knowledge of the various scientific and technological aspects involved in the field of polymers and their numerous applications. The teaching of the different contents, synthesis, modification, processing and application of polymers, will be done in the light of the most current perspectives in this area, in particular in sustainable principles, defined and accepted by the academic and scientific community, as required by modern, informed and knowledgeable societies.
In this UC it will be demonstrated as seemingly diverse knowledge of chemical synthesis, molecular interactions, phase transformations, and others, are essential for the development of new materials that modern society demands, as well as to understand its characteristics and modify its properties, targeting its applications.


1: Introduction to Polymers. 2: Polymer Molecular Structure. 3: Polymerisation Mechanisms. 4: Polymer Properties. 5: Polymer Processing. 6: Elastomers and Gels. 7: Network Polymers. 8: Natural Polymers. 9: Syntheses of Polymers. 10: Polymers Characterisation. 11: Biomaterials. 12: Health, Energy, Transport, Construction and Environmental Applications. 13: Polymers on Circular Economy. 14: Future Perspectives.

Teaching Methods

In each theoretical a single program point is treated. The material is presented in a manner aimed at stimulating student participation and which at the same time allows the teacher to detect gaps in their fundamental knowledge. Acquisition of a deeper and consolidated understanding of the course content is based on the student's individual study supported by bibliography recommended by the lecturer and the students own notes.
The continued evaluation of this UC is the result of the laboratorial component (25%), a research work and its presentation (25%) and the realization of a written test (50%). In the final evaluation regime, the student performs a single evaluation test (100%), comprising all the matters, including the laboratorial component.

Teaching Staff