
Name: Petrology
Code: GEO12876L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Geology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


In this training, students have the opportunity to understand the genesis and occurrence of igneous and metamorphic rocks, according to the petrogenetic cycle and from a geodynamic perspective.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Understand the genesis and occurrence of igneous and metamorphic rocks, according to the petrogenetic cycle and based on a geodynamic perspective resulting from the interaction between the rock cycle and the tectonic cycle.
Systematize and use the classifications of igneous and metamorphic rocks according to their structural, chemical and mineralogical features.
Petrographic analysis and identification of igneous and metamorphic rocks in hand samples and under the petrographic microscope, based on textural features, mineralogical composition and mineralogical transformations and/or readjustments.
Relating the different types of igneous and metamorphic rocks, with specific petrogenetic processes and setting them according to a global tectonic approach.


1. Introduction
- Chemical, mineralogical and lithological differentiation of Earth.
- Geodynamic environments and petrogenetic cycle.
2. Igneous Petrology
- Classification of igneous rocks: Chemical and modal classifications. The IUGS mineralogical classification. Igneous textures and structures.
- Magma genesis and installation: Melting and fractional crystallization. Differentiation, mixing and magma contamination. Emplacement and occurrence of igneous bodies. Plutonism and volcanism.
- Genesis and petrography of igneous rocks.
3. Metamorphic Petrology
- Types of metamorphism and geodynamic settings.
- Metamorphic factors: Pressure and temperature gradients.
- Metamorphic reactions and transformations: Mineralogical reactions and structural and mineral transformations. Metamorphic textures. Cleavage and foliation.
- Metamorphic conditions: Typomorph minerals. Gradients and metamorphic degrees. Metamorphic facies.
- Genesis and petrography of metamorphic rocks.

Teaching Methods

1 - Theoretical classes with presentation and conceptualization of topics, encouraging the active and comprehensive participation of students.
2 – Practical laboratory classes, with theoretical thematic introduction followed by petrographic analysis of igneous and metamorphic rocks at meso (hand sample) and microscopic scale (thin section), allows the training in the rock classification based on the observed mineral and textural features.
3 - Tutorial orientation allowing the monitoring of students through the Moodle platform (e-learning).
4 - Continuous evaluation through the semester by the assessment of 2 theoretical-practical tests or by final evaluation by theoretical and practical exams (60% theoretical exam + 40% practical exam).