Online Workshop NAQUIBIO DPSA (BRinova/University of Évora)

Em 15.06.2021 | 14:00


14:00-14:20 Opening Session 

Prof. Anthony J. Burke (UEvora) (PI)

Prof. Soumodip Sarkar (Vice-rector of Innovation, Cooperation and Entrepreneurship)

Inv. Dr. Alexandre Craveiro, PhD (Diretor de I&D, BRinova); 

Dra. Daniela Barroso (Manager, ANI)

Prof.º Clara Grácio (Director of School of Sciences and Technologies)

Prof.ª Célia Antunes (Subdirector of School of Health and Human Development)


14:20-15:35 Preparation and characterization of materials for veterinary application 

Session chair: César Filho, PhD (BRinova)

14:20-14:40 Preparation of different chitosan-based stabilizing agents and hydrogel developments with the incorporation of different additives and nanoparticles, Cesar Filho (BRinova)

14:40-14:55 Development of silver nanoparticles stabilized with chitosan derivatives,                              Esmar Souza (BRinova)

14:55-15:10 Characterization of hydrogels and nanoparticles and evaluation of their stability,                 Marina Costa (UEvora)

15:10-15:25 Humectant, antioxidant and biodegradation properties of hydrogels for veterinary application, Elisabete Carreiro  (UEvora)

15:25-15:35 Development of hydrogels for veterinary application, Mara Silva (BRinova)   


15:35-15:45: Break


15:45-16:30  In silico tests and bioassays/Ensaios in silico e bioensaios  

Session chair: António Teixeira (UEvora) 

15:45-16:00 Interaction of Ag nanoparticles with biological membranes observed by molecular Dynamics, António do Canto (UEvora)

16:00-16:15 Study of the cytotoxicity of chitosan hydrogels using cultured skin cell lines,                                 Mariana Marques (UEvora)

16:15-16:30 Biocompatibility and biosafety analysis of chitosan hydrogels using organotypic epidermal models, João Pedro Nunes (UEvora)


16:30-17:30  Evaluation of the effectiveness of chitosan hydrogels with silver salts in wound healing

Session chair: Cristina Queiroga (UEvora)

16:30-16:45 Mosaic of microbiological colonization of canine wounds, Mafalda Santos (UEvora)

16:45-17:00 Histological changes in 3D models of keratinocytes, Sandra Branco (UEvora)  

17:00-17:15 Planning of studies on the healing of skin wounds in dogs, Érica Rebelo (UEvora)

17:15-17:30 Regulatory pathway for veterinary medicine products, Rike Brunner (Klifovet)


17:30-17:40 Break  


17:40 - 18:10  Round table: Academic-Industry Interface: challenges and opportunities 

Moderator: Prof. Anthony Burke 

Panel: Profª. Ana Freitas (Rector UEvora); Alexandre Craveiro, PhD (Diretor de I&D, BRinova); Engº Eduardo Bacelar Pinto (ANI Administrador); Rike Brunner, PhD./Klaus Hellmann, PhD. (Klifovet); Carlos Godinho, PhD (on behalf of Vice-rector of Innovation, Cooperation and Entrepreneurship).