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Jorge Manuel Azevedo dos Santos

Prof. Auxiliar [Aposentado] (CIMA - Centro de Investigação em Matemática e Aplicações)

Fotografia de Jorge Manuel Azevedo dos Santos
Doutoramento: Matemática/Investigação Operacional, Estatística, Data Envelopment Analysis (Universidade de Évora - 2008)
Mestrado: Investigação Operacional e Análise de Sistemas/Engenharia de sistemas (Instituto Superior Técnico - 1994)
Licenciatura: Engª Electrotécnica e Computadores (Instituto Superior Técnico - 1989)
CIMA - Centro de Investigação em Matemática e Aplicações (Membro Integrado Doutorado)
Operations Research, Data Mining, Graphs and Networks. Statistics, Fuzzy Logic, simulation
Efficiency measurement, Management, Open-Source Software, Data Envelopment Analysis,
Revisor de
1- Vários livros: C. H. Antunes, L. Valadares Tavares (eds), "Casos de Aplicação da Investigação Operacional", McGraw-Hill Portugal, 2000; Investigação Operacional de Luís Valadares Tavares, F. Nunes Correia, Isabel Hall Themido e Rui Carvalho Oliveira Editor: Mc Graw-Hill
2- Revistas internacionais. https://publons.com/researcher/?institution=6701&order_by=verified_reviews_performed_last_12_months

Centro de Investigação  em Matemática e Aplicações  (CIMA) Research group: Statistics, Stochastic Processes and Applications

Member (Founding ) of the EURO Working Group on Stochastic Optimization. https://www.mii.lt/ewgso/index.php?page,members.en

Novais M.H., Morales E.A., Marchã Penha A., Potes M., Bouchez A., Barthès A., Costa M.J., Salgado R., Santos J. & M. Morais (2020). Benthic diatom community dynamics in Mediterranean intermittent streams: Effects of water availability and their potential as indicators of dry-phase ecological status. Science of the Total Environment 719: 137462
Use of amniotic membrane in trabeculectomy with mitomycin C: a retrospective comparative study. Roque J., Santos J., Henriques S., Pires G., Lisboa M., Vaz F., Prieto I. Congress of the European Society of Ophthalmology (SOE) 13-16 June, 2019, Nice, France
Lu?s Cavique, Jose Saias, Jorge Santos and Armando B. Mendes. 2019. Optimizacion web dun sistema de xestion de stocks.
Portuguese Study Groups' Reports Report on "Managing start waves for mass running events" Problem presented by Lap2Go at the 140th European Study Group with Industry 4th - 8th June 2018 Barreiro School of Technology Polytechnic Institute of Setu´bal Barreiro, Portugal Portuguese Study Groups Reports August 1, 2018 Paula Amaral, Sílvia Barbeiro, Raquel Barreira, Luís Cavique, Joaquim Correia, Manuel Cruz, Ricardo Enguiça, Nuno Lopes, Michael McPhail, Jorge Santos, Paula Simões, Florian Wechsung.
Pilar Alberca, Luís Cavique, Jorge Santos. OVERCOMING INFEASIBILITY IN BCC MODELS UNDER DELETED DOMAIN, WITH AN APPLICATION. - In: ACTAS XIII Congreso Galego de Estatística e Investigación de Operacións Ferrol, 26, 27 e 28 de outubro de 2017, pp. 9-13
Bhaswar Chakma, Joaquim J.S. Ramalho, Jorge M. Azevedo Santos; USING FRACTIONAL REGRESSION MODELS TO ANALYSE EFFICIENCY OF EUROPEAN MANUFACTURING FIRMS Proceedings of XIII Congreso Galego de Estatística e Investigación de Operacións.
Restricting the flexibility in DEA models Jorge Santos y Pilar Alberca Comentarista: Ana Lozano Vivas Editores:Rafaela Dios- Palomares; José Angel Casas VII CEP EFIUCO
@Article{Avelino2016, author="Avelino, Catarina and Ferreira, F{\'a}tima and Rasteiro, Deolinda and Santos, Jorge", title="Scheduling the repair of aircraft components - a case study", journal="Mathematics-in-Industry Case Studies", year="2016", volume="7", number="1", pages="5", abstract="In aircraft components maintenance shops, components are distributed amongst repair groups and their respective technicians based on the type of repair, on the technicians skills and workload, and on the customer required dates. This distribution planning is typically done in an empirical manner based on the group leader's past experience. Such a procedure does not provide any performance guarantees, leading frequently to undesirable delays on the delivery of the aircraft components. Among others, a fundamental challenge faced by the group leaders is to decide how to distribute the components that arrive without customer required dates.", issn="1913-4967", doi="10.1186/s40929-016-0007-2", url="http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s40929-016-0007-2" }
Jorge Santos; Armando Mendes; Luís Cavique Science, technology and innovation efficiency assessment of 32 countries by Data Envelopment Analysis; 4º Encontro Nacional de Engenharia e Gestão Industrial ENEGI Lisboa 2015
Rosa, Agostinho; Armando, Mendes; Santos, Jorge; TAXA MARGINAL VERSUS TAXA MÉDIA; :«a defesa» 1 DE JULHO DE 2015 - ANO XCII - N.o 4716 Pág 8.
Jorge Santos Luís Cavique Otimização do pessoal técnico do serviço de manutenção da TAP XII Congreso Galego de Estatística e Investigación de Operacións 2015 I.S.B.N.: 978?84?8192?522?7
"Physical Model of MDF Boards", Problem presented by IKEA at the 109th European Study Group with Industry, Departamento Produção e Sistemas, Escola de Engenharia da Universidade do Minho, Guimarães, Portugal, May 15, 2015
"Physical Model of MDF Boards", Problem presented by IKEA at the 109th European Study Group with Industry 10th-15th May 2015 Departamento Produção e Sistemas, Escola de Engenharia da Universidade do Minho, Guimarães, Portugal
Jorge Santos and Armando B Mendes and Luís Cavique and Magdalena Kapelko MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING APPLIED TO BENCHMARKING IN ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT Quantitative Modelling in Marketing and Management chapter 21 pages 507-529 doi 10.1142/9789814696357_0021 URL http://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/9789814696357_0021 http://www.worldscientific.com/doi/pdf/10.1142/9789814696357_0021 publisherWORLD SCIENTIFIC year = 2015
RESTRICTING THE WEIGHTS AND THE JUDGMENT VALUES IN DEA MODELS Pilar Alberca 1 , Jorge Santos 2 1 Departamento de Economía de la Empresa y Contabilidad , UNED, palberca@cee.uned.es 2 Departamento de Matemática, CIMA, ECT, Universidade de Évora, jmas@uevora.pt SGAPEIO e Servizo de Publicacións da Deputación de Lugo
Automatic web based iterative optimization of safety stock and order quantity under gaussian demand and lead time ENEGI Lisboa 2015
Cavique, Luís, Armando B. Mendes, Matthias Funk, and Jorge M. A. Santos. "A Feature Selection Approach in the Study of Azorean Proverbs." Exploring Innovative and Successful Applications of Soft Computing. Ed. Antonio D. Masegosa, Pablo J. Villacorta, Carlos Cruz-Corona, M. Socorro García-Cascales, María T. Lamata, and José L. Verdegay. Hershey: IGI Global, 2014. 38-58. Print.
Cavique, L., Marques, N.C., Santos, J.M.A. An Algorithm to Condense Social Networks and Identify Brokers. In: Advances in Artificial Intelligence - IBERAMIA 2014. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Bazzan, A.L.C., and Pichara, K. - Eds.) Springer, 2014, pp 331-343

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