Strategic Support for Accreditation of Programs and Internationalization at South Asian Higher Education Institutes (HEIs)
Cofinanciado por:
Acrónimo |
Designação do projeto |
Strategic Support for Accreditation of Programs and Internationalization at South Asian Higher Education Institutes (HEIs)
Código do projecto | 619438-EPP-1-2020-1-PK-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
Objetivo principal |
Região de intervenção |
Pakistan, Germany, Portugal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Maldives
Entidade beneficiária |
- Capital University of Science and Technology(líder)
- Khesar Gyalpo University of Medical Sciences of Bhutan (KGUMSB)(parceiro)
- Maldives National University (MNU)(parceiro)
- National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences (NUCES)(parceiro)
- Ripah International University (RIU)(parceiro)
- Royal University of Bhutan(parceiro)
- Sri Lanka Technological Campus (SLTC)(parceiro)
- Universidade de Évora(parceiro)
- Universität Bremen(parceiro)
- University of Peradeniya(parceiro)
- Villa College (VC)(parceiro)
Data de aprovação | 03-08-2020
Data de inicio | 15-01-2021
Data de conclusão | 15-01-2024
Data de prorrogação | 14-07-2024
Custo total elegível |
876206 €
Apoio financeiro da União Europeia |
Comissão Europeia
- 876206 €
Apoio financeiro público nacional/regional |
Apoio financeiro atribuído à Universidade de Évora |
157658 €
O projeto visa:
- Conscializar funcionários, e também estudantes, sobre a importância do ensino superior, que é padronizado e acreditado por organismos internacionais;
- Desenvolver e implementar as normas e processos para o sistema de auditoria de qualidade interna e externa nas IES das instituições parceiras;
- Desenvolver um sistema para envolver estudantes e funcionários na integração da educação, pesquisa e inovação para alcançar metas e objetivos de longo prazo
Mais informações em:
Objetivos, atividades e resultados esperados/atingidos
- Capacity building for the development of well-defined and documented policies and procedures in HEIs of partner countries.
- Capacity building for the development and implementation of a mechanism to assess and evaluate various academic activities at the HEIs, in comparison with international best practices and guidelines.
- Providing strategic support in identifying the key areas to focus in each HEI.
- Based on the key focus areas identified for each HEIs, drafting the action plans supporting the processes of quality enhancement in teaching, learning and administration
- Developing a qualifications framework, as per the international standards, by setting out the attributes and abilities that can be expected from the holder of a qualification, i.e. Bachelors, Masters, M. Phil, Doctorate, etc., so that the qualification is recognized and accepted internationally.
- Providing training on reformation of the systems, policies and procedures based
- on the key focus areas identified for each HEIs
- Establishing sound and sustainable processes and mechanisms to ensure effective management and continuous improvement of teaching and learning
- Developing standardization mechanisms and quality assurance processes and methods of evaluation
- Strengthening the integration of education, research and innovation to achieve long term socio-economic objectives.
- WP1: Project initiation activities, and assessment and need analysis at each partner HEI
- WP2: Development of Action Plans for each Partner HEI, and Training the Staff
- WP3: Quality Plan for Monitoring and Assessment of Project
- WP4: Dissemination and Exploitation of the Project
- WP5: Management of the SSAPI project