Malagueira: Património de Todos: Subsídios para a sua classificação.

Cofinanciado por:
Designação do projeto | Malagueira: Património de Todos: Subsídios para a sua classificação.
Código do projecto | PTDC/ART-DAQ/32111/2017
Objetivo principal | Reforçar a Investigação, o desenvolvimento tecnológico e a inovação

Região de intervenção | Alentejo

Entidade beneficiária | Universidade de Évora(líder)

Data de aprovação | 06-07-2018
Data de inicio | 01-10-2018
Data de conclusão | 30-09-2021
Data de prorrogação | 30-09-2022

Custo total elegível | 238322 €
Apoio financeiro da União Europeia |
Apoio financeiro público nacional/regional | República Portuguesa - 238322 €
Apoio financeiro atribuído à Universidade de Évora | 238322.68 €


A nomeação de Malagueira para a Lista Indicativa nacional à Unesco para inscrição como Património Mundial, juntamente com outras obras de Álvaro Siza Vieira, torna imperativo identificar, reconhecer e sistematizar os valores de autenticidade, integridade, singularidade e o valor universal excepcional desta obra, localizadaproximo da cidade de Évora classificada pela Unesco.

A pesquisa visa recolher e consolidar um corpus de conhecimento documental e teórico para desenvolver uma nova marca turística - MALAGUEIRA.PT - que integra valores culturais, arquitetónicos, históricos, sociais e científicos e elaborar uma carta patrimonial da Malagueira.

Através de novas TICs para aplicações móveis de realidade aumentada (possível patente EPO) serão produzidos novos significados e novos conteúdos para os stakeholders através do confronto entre o edificado atual e o não construido. São criadas oportunidades para mudar o estigma e a conotação negativa da Malagueira para um reconhecimento do seu valor. A pesquisa e o processo promoverão d participação democrática da comunidade.

Pretende-se construir e promover uma da rede inicial de parceiros que incluí o Município, o Departamento Regional de Cultura e a ICOMOS, os centros de arquivo (Drawing Matter, Canadian Centre for Architecture, Fundação Caloutre Gulbenkian e Fundação Serralves). Os primeiros são responsáveis pela tutela jurídica e patrimónial. Os últimos são responsáveis pela preservação do acervo de ASV em termos de documentação e projetos. Todos os parceiros estão motivados para o valor cultural da obra de ASV e para a participação da comunidade e stakeholders no processo.

Além da produção científica, a investigação produzirá conteúdos artísticos e exposições sobre os três domínios principais da ENEI (Património Moderno, Turismo e TIC). O aparelho móvel de realidade aumentada permitirá novas possibilidades de interpretação, desenvolvidas como uma ferramenta pedagógica e de investigação, detalhadas em 3 workshops, um seminário e um congresso internacional.

Pretende-se estender esta rede a outros parceiros, que tutelam outras obras do ASV, partilhando resultados e metodologias e aumentando o efeito adicional desta investigação, assim como permitirá que alguns dos resultados assuma a autonomia da investigação podendo vir a ser utilizados por outros stakeholder.

O caráter inovador desta pesquisa é demonstrado pela natureza transversal da investigação e da metodologia proposta para sua realização pelo conceito de " investigação pelo projecto". Propõe-se ainda a articulação entre as TICs de realidade aumentada, o design gráfico e os valores patrimoniais.

A equipa de investigação é constituída por investigadores experientes que trabalham sobre o património, a Malagueira ou ASV proporcionando assim uma abordagem transversal, provando a consistência interna do projeto, a evidência de uma investigação aprofundada e uma interligação entre a investigação e o ensino.

Objetivos, atividades e resultados esperados/atingidos


The nomination of Malagueira in the ?Portuguese Tentative List? for Unesco?s World Heritage List, together with other works by Álvaro Siza Vieira, makes it imperative to identify, recognize and systematize the values of authenticity, integrity, singularity and exceptional universal value of his work that justify its classification as a Unesco Heritage.

Modern architecture in underrepresented at the Unesco's World Heritage List, a global strategy to ensure that the List reflects the full spectrum of world?s cultural treasures is underway, yet there are no examples of classification of works by an author still alive and active. This is a challenging situation, fostering the interconnectedness between the tangible and intangible heritage, at the level of the discussion over the concepts of safeguarding and intervention in the constitution of a broader contemporary collective heritage or legacy. Moreover, it is a discussion that can include the contributions of the author, thus making him and the stakeholders part of the process, which is a new perspective, mostly used in relation with intangible heritage.

Of all the works of ASV proposed in the indicative tentative list Malagueira is the most paradigmatic case because it is one of the most relevant projects involving the growing urbanization of rural areas, the construction of the new neighbourhood in coexistence with the old city, the phenomena of popular participation during the revolutionary period (in the 70s). Yet, despite its 40 years of existence, the project is not yet completed, lacking a considerable part of the public buildings.

In addition to this debate, there is a potential fruitful dialog between the historic city of Évora (classified as Unesco Heritage in 1986, with 113ha and 4738 inhabitants in 2011) and the modern city designed by ASV in 1977 with 27ha, 12373 inhabitants in 1200 dwellings), building new understandings on its safeguard and preservation.

The research aims:

(O1) to collect and consolidate a documentary (such as drawings, plans, texts, documents, photographs) and theoretical corpus of knowledge as structured database of relevant information and identify and recognize the fundamental values authenticity, integrity, singularity and outstanding universal value of Malagueira;

(O2) to develop, create, register and sustain a new brand - MALAGUEIRA.PT - that integrates cultural, architectural, historical, social and scientific values.

(O3) to inform and communicate the existent and the non-built projects of Malagueira through new ICTs with mobile applications of augmented reality, providing unique interactive experiences (simple and intuitive) capable of producing new meanings, and, support the increase of local economic activities (such as the tourism), thus producing new contents that attract new tourists and contribute for the social recognition of Malagueira.

(O4) to change from the stigma and negative interpretations of Malagueira towards the recognition of the value of modern heritage and of Malagueira by a new cultural and heritage paradigm resulting from the accumulation of experiences of its community;

(O5) to elaborate a Heritage Charter with the management tools necessary for Unesco's nomination that will allow building and empowering the community and partners on the work of ASV.

(O6) to build, inspire and maintain a community of national ASV partners.

To achieve the proposed objectives, the team counts on a set of partners motivated by the valuation of Malagueira and other works by ASV and with the interest of the architect ASV himself.

These partnerships allow the creation of a platform for discussion on the values of modern architecture to classify where society as a whole participates: namely researchers, architects, political, technical and cultural agents and the inhabitants.

Links between project team and university team professors, who link research and teaching at the advanced training in the master's and doctor's degree in architecture of the UE allow to add scientific potential to this research.



The tasks and methodology are:

1. A survey of concepts of cultural values and their applications to research, through bibliographical research, UNESCO letters and relevant documents related to heritage, to define a theoretical framework and identify and recognize the fundamental values of Malagueira.

2. A systematic collection and consolidation of dispersed information (drawings, photographs, letters, administrative documents), registration and database archiving (open access) on Malagueira (constructed and not built), ASV and other relevant examples, to define Documentary framework. For this, the primary sources of the Drawing Matter, CCA, Serralves Foundation and Caloustre Gulbenkian Foundation, CME, cooperatives and personal files will be consulted.

3. Integration of latent economic opportunities through "tourism", using the documentary and theoretical frameworks, bibliographic analysis, benchmarking comparison with the Historic Center of Évora and other examples. It will include a workshop with relevant experts from all partners involved to validate the framework of opportunities.

4. Experimental simulation using increased virtual models in simultaneous interaction of the non-built Malagueira with the current consolidated urban fabric for qualitative evaluation for the community and tourists. For this simulation 3D modelling (digital, modelling and photomontages) of the non-built will be overlapped with the built reality. The application will be developed by means of an acquisition of services, however the contents are produced by the present research. The information management process and system is anticipated to be innovative (EPO), because of its overlapping of actual information with the textual and visual database information (using the ASV drawings or project simulation models).

5. implementation of cultural, educational and artistic events, such as exhibitions and workshops, to induce the dissemination and promotion of the contents produced by the research.

6. Cartography, registration and systematization of all the information collected with the existing urbanization plan, to create a charter of Malagueira that presents a diagnosis of the existing situation and operational guidelines for its safeguard. It is intended that the design of this charter will be, once again, a democratic participatory process with the stakeholders and local institutions in charge of Malagueira. Workshops and public discussions, events and exhibitions will be organized to stimulate public participation and empower the community.

7. The safeguarding of Malagueira implies a recognition and identification of its value by the inhabitants, which is increased by the incoming tourists. The good practices of recognizing the value of Malagueira and the support of municipality and of ASV itself will promote the creation of a dynamic network of partners (owners and public entities) that protect and manage the heritage of ASV classification.



We can group the results in the following typologies:

- Scientific production: 13 oral communications, 8 articles, 2 reports, 2 books (PT/UK) with ISBN, 3 Master's theses;

- Artistic production: 1 augmented reality app, other real and virtual models, photomontage, sketches;

- Curating and holding of exhibitions: 3 exhibitions;

- Organization of scientific events: 3 workshops, 1 seminars and 1 international congress;

- Promotion, dissemination and transfer of knowledge - 1 touristic map of Malagueira, initiatives with the community, guided tours, mobile application of augmented reality, scientific and artistic dissemination actions;

- Pedagogical innovation: 1 pedagogical tools with the overlapping of non-built elements with reality;

- New value chains: Malagueira brand, tourism, site and mobile application;

- Inter-institutional partnerships: networking of partners;

- Registration of EPO patents: 1 possible patent (notice that RA changes very quickly);

The innovative character of this research is demonstrated by the transversal nature of the research and by the proposed methodology for its execution.

Is also innovative because of the proposed articulation of information technologies with the existing heritage characteristics and its potential use. The use and articulation of research instruments of several scientific areas such as augmented reality technologies, graphic design information, recognized heritage values, and other complementary tourist information. The research of ASV architectural project will use a recent methodology concept in architecture - research by design - that link the graphical information of the constructed project and the reinterpretation of the unbuilt models simulating both interactions and perceptions. The promotion and dissemination of research using the same tool augmented reality app between the networking of partners.

The research team consists of experienced researchers that have worked with ASV or on Malagueira, have previously contributed with scientific research on the theme, are from different backgrounds, from universities and research centres, ICOMOS and Municipality, thus providing a transversal approach. Proving internal consistency of the project and evidence of an in-depth research.



The whole research, website and mobile AR provide a legacy that can be used, improved by other stakeholders, fostering tourist information. A propose of a network which might include other municipalities and entities from the North to the South of Portugal that oversee ASV work exponentially increases the effect of the additional to the project, and assure the continuity of results after the end of research. Also, the elaboration of Malagueira?s Charter and its use as an instrument of management of the classified is fundamental and obligatory for the classification of the Malagueira by Unesco and allows for the continuity, as an instrument for concerted urbanism and heritage management.