IRIS - Improvement through research in inclusive schools inclusive classrooms - a multidimensional approach.
Cofinanciado por:
Designação do projeto |
IRIS - Improvement through research in inclusive schools inclusive classrooms - a multidimensional approach.
Código do projecto |
Objetivo principal |
Região de intervenção |
Entidade beneficiária |
- Enseignement de la Commuannauté française de belgique(líder)
- Agrupamento Vertical Eugénio de Andrade(parceiro)
- Bezirksschulrat Graz Stadt(parceiro)
- Generalitat de Catalunya - Dep. Educació(parceiro)
- Lärarhögskolan i Stockholm(parceiro)
- Pre-school Advisory Service, Exeter(parceiro)
- Universidade de Évora(parceiro)
Data de aprovação | 01-09-2006
Data de inicio | 01-10-2006
Data de conclusão | 30-09-2009
Custo total elegível |
Apoio financeiro da União Europeia |
Apoio financeiro público nacional/regional |
Apoio financeiro atribuído à Universidade de Évora |
37845.14 €
Eleven years after the Salamanca declaration inclusive education is still a faraway concept for many schools and teachers. The objective is to develop a multidimensional approach to improve the teaching and learning of all pupils. We believe that to improve teaching and learning we need to develop a new attitude, based in research and focalised on an understanding of pupils’ strengths and needs. This will support effective planning and intervention, including the use of the IEP, for all children in the inclusive classroom.The target groups will be mainly teachers and other professionals who work with children in the school community.Over the three year period the team will work in theme groups, group membership changing as the systems evolve, and sharing developments as a collaborative whole at each six-monthly meeting. Materials will be piloted in each partner country and both the process of the project and the materials will be evaluated.
Objetivos, atividades e resultados esperados/atingidos
The overall aim is to develop, implement and disseminate materials for initial training and in-service training for teachers and other educational staff. The project’s focus is to develop a multidimensional approach to improve the participation and learning of all the pupils.
Multifocal assessment, tool, IEP prototype and teacher training materials for in-service and training.
A web site, CD/DVD and brochures.
International Seminar.