1 Bolsa para Licenciado - Projeto Reschedule
1 Bolsa de Investigação para licenciado no âmbito do projeto RESilient to Climate CHange Extremes MeDiterranean AgricUltural Systems: LEveraging the Power of Soil Health and Associated Microbiota, (RESCHEDULE), ref. PRIMA/0006/2020, financiado pelo programa PRIMA, Art. 185, iniciativa apoiada e financiada no âmbito do Horizonte 2020, o programa-quadro de investigação e inovação da União Europeia.
1 Bachelor’s Degree Scholarship within the scope of the project RESilient to Climate CHange Extremes MeDiterranean AgricUltural Systems: LEveraging the Power of Soil Health and Associated Microbiota, (RESCHEDULE), ref.: PRIMA/0006/2020, financed by national funds through the PRIMA programme, an Art.185 initiative supported and funded under Horizon 2020, the European Union’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation
Área Científica: Ciências ambientais, Ciência Social e afins
Scientific area: Environmental Sciences, Social Science, and related fields