Introduction to Health Economics

Name: Introduction to Health Economics
Code: ECN11055O
Duration: 15 weeks/130 hours
Scientific Area: Economy

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The curricular unit intends to provide an economic analysis of the main aspects related to the health sector, whenever possible referring to the Portuguese case.
Competences to be acquired:
It is intended that students acquire competences in:
I) verifying the relevance of the application of Economics to the health sector, referring to some (basic) economic concepts of utility, rationality, demand, supply and equilibrium ( of the market);
II) understanding the specificities of health care demand and supply;
III) assessing the economic impact of health policies on the well-being of societies;
IV) the analysis of different health care financing systems.


1. Some Basic Principles of Economics
2. The Laws of Demand, Supply, and Market
3. The Demand for Health Care
4. The Supply of Health care
5. The Planning of Health Care Policies
6. The Financing of the Health Care System

Teaching Methods

The teaching methodology is based on:
1) the presentation of the, strictly necessary, economic theory of health;
2) in the application, as much as possible, of that theory, using examples or practical cases, whenever possible referring to the Portuguese case.

According to the main objectives of the curricular unit, the assessment of the acquisition of competences is made based on:
# in terms of the continuous assessment regime, in the answer to 6 questions;one for each chapter of the syllabus.
# in terms of the examination evaluation regime, in the performance of a written (open-books) exam, on all the material presented.

Teaching Staff (2022/2023 )