Literatures of Portuguese Expression

Name: Literatures of Portuguese Expression
Code: LLT11260M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Literature

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

1. To provide to the students a broad and plural vision of the literatures in Portuguese.
2. To develop on a converging way on the students knowledge previously acquired on a partial basis;
3. To allow to the students the development of a transnational or international conscience from the Portuguese
4. To contribute to the approximation of the Portuguese-speaking communities.


1.Portuguese Discoveries, Africa, America, Orient. The appearing of a Portuguese literature connected with
maritime expansion. Birth of a Portuguese colonial literature (XVI - XVII).
2.The literary differentiation in Brazil. Notion, idea, concept. Nativism and Brazilianness. The national feeling.
3.The national feeling in Africa (XX century): Cape Verde, Angola, Mozambique. The literary differentiation in
the XX. African nationalist motivations and anti-colonialism. From the identification of the roots to political
independence. Blackness and creolism. Angola case: Mensagem generation. Literary differentiation (Guinea-
Bissau and Sao Tome). Cape Verde: themes, movements, authors, affinities. The decade of 30 and the
intersections: the northeastern Brazilian realism (Lins do Rego, Gilberto Freyre) and the making of regional
awareness. The magazine Claridade (1936) . Cape Verdean literary diversification: lyric and romance. The issue
of the Cape Verdean language and the bilingualism.

Teaching Methods

The sessions will function in a seminar regime. The operation comprises the following work methodologies:
Collective sessions of introductory exposition to the contents; debate of fundamental and specific problems of
the contents; critic reading of selected texts. The evaluation is individual and takes place at the end of each
semester. The evaluation consists of a final essay, written and individual, accomplished under the orientation
of the teacher on one of the subjects on the Syllabus. However, that does not imply that the students will not
be called upon to present smaller individual essays in the classroom ( reviews, text commentaries,
bibliographic search, etc.)