Literature and Arts

Name: Literature and Arts
Code: LLT11245M
Duration: 15 weeks/234 hours
Scientific Area: Literature

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese


This uc aims to deepen, from a comparative bias, the reflection on the relations with literature and other arts, and on their epistemological and methodological assumptions. This reflection is applied to the analysis of the productivity of the myth of D. Juan (literature, opera, painting, cinema).

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

To deepen the problematic relationship between literature and art, promoting a reflection focused on the connection of visual arts with literature.
To enrich the students' aesthetic, historical, cultural and literary skills.
To develop the students ability to approach in a comparative manner the art object in its media, languages and assumptions.


1. Theoretical and methodological reflection:
1.1 Theory of Art and Theory of Literature
1.2 The comparative approach and the intersemiotic and intertextual relationship between literature and other arts
2. Aesthetical and periodological reflection:
2.1 From decadence to contemporaneity: beauty and time.
3. Analytical and interpretive reflection:
3.1 Literature and Myth
3.1.1 The Myth of Don Juan in Literature, Opera, Fine Arts, Cinema.

Teaching Methods

1. Classroom sessions of theoretical and practical methodology, in which one the following teaching strategies and evaluation will be observed:
- exposure to periodological and epistemological notions, central to the content covered;
- reflection based on theoretical and critical texts;
- Theoretical and methodological explanations, with visual support, followed by discussion;
- exploratory and dialogic reading of texts or works proposed for application and / or questioning of key concepts previously discussed;
- Registration of the hermeneutics syntheses.
2. Autonomous work of individual research, embodied in the writing of a text of a scientific nature, accompanied by the teacher, where students explore, in the corpus properly choosing the productivity of the themes and concepts developed in the classroom sessions.
3. Evaluation:
Continuous evaluation, attendance, participation and debate: 20%; final essay and discussion: 80%.
Exam: 100%.

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )