Jihad and the Crusades

Name: Jihad and the Crusades
Code: HIS10583M
Duration: 15 weeks/280 hours
Scientific Area: History

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

It is intended that students understand and contextualize historically the main ideologies of Holy War present within peninsular and Mediterranean spaces during the Medieval times; that they recognize the various institutional solutions to make war in the name of religious principles, and understand the dynamics of conflict, opposition and exchange generated in these border societies during the 12th and 13th centuries.


1. The Christian North and the Islamic South
1.1. From border coexistence to the demonization of the enemy
2. Sacralizing War
2.1. From the martyrdom of warriors to the Jihad coding
2.2. From the wars of God to the Crusade
3. The institutional forms of meritorious war
3.1. The Islamic model: the ribat
3.2. The Christian model: the Order of the Temple
4. The intermediate solutions
4.1. The brotherhood of warriors
4.2. Hispanic military orders

Teaching Methods

The teaching of this course is based on theoretical and theoretical-practical classes, supported by iconographic elements, analysis of contemporary texts, group work, readings and individual work, with the presentation and discussion of matters arising from those works

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )

  • [responsible]