History of the Moors

Name: History of the Moors
Code: HIS10581M
Duration: 15 weeks/280 hours
Scientific Area: History

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The program aims to draw attention and motivate study and research about one of the least known minorities in the Early Modern Portugal, taking into account a comparative perspective. Given the specificities of the Moriscos in Portugal, the main sources under study are those that were produced by the Holy Office.


Introduction to the topic: the historiography of the Moriscos
One. Minorities in the Iberian Peninsula
1.1 Moorish Castilians, Aragonese and Portuguese: similarities and differences
1.2 The mobility of the minority within the Iberian Peninsula
2nd. From the Moorish Moorish in Portugal
2.1 The bad indoctrination and religious eclecticism
2.2 The poor command of Portuguese and knowledge of Arabic
3rd. Moorish Portuguese: a minority in regression
3.1 Structures and social group
3.2 Structures and family parafamiliares
3.3 Moorish Moorish captives and Liners
4th. The differences are not tolerated
4.1 The practice of Islam
4.2 The desire to return to Islam
4.3 Moorish and Inquisition

Teaching Methods

Elements of assessment: practical work (60%), oral presentation (30%),oral presence and participation (10%)
Classification parameters of practical work
a) Plan and monitoring the work
b) the appropriateness and originality of the title
c) Structure of the work
d) Depth approach
e) Originality
f) Domain linguistic and conceptual;
g) Correction of transcripts (if applicable)
h) Areas of sources and bibliography
i) Correction of quotes, notes, and bibliography;
j) Oral Presentation.
. Will be subject to exclusion and, as such, classified as zero, all jobs that:
a) are not made from sources;
b) have not been chosen with the approval of the teacher;
c) The plan has not been evaluated;
d) The content constitutes plagiarism.
Unless justification that fits in the Regulation of evaluation work will not be accepted after the deadline, to provide the first class.
Classification parameters of oral exposure:
a) Domain linguistic and conceptual
b) Clarity and exposure correction