Advanced Topics in Social Psychology

Name: Advanced Topics in Social Psychology
Code: PSI13246M
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Psychology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

This course unit aims to provide students with in-depth theoretical knowledge related to new paradigms and research problems in the field of Social Psychology, which can serve as a basis for intervention in Social Psychology, and a theoretical support for the development of the thesis project.
At the end of the UC students should be able to:
a) To reveal knowledge and know how to use the new paradigms of social psychology;
b) To reveal knowledge and to be able to explain the social processes based on these new concepts, models and approaches;
c) To reveal knowledge and knowing how to identify and using different research paradigms in this area
d) Understand the applicability of these paradigms, approaches and models to other areas of intervention;
e) To reveal knowledge and know how to use the conceptual and methodological tools in order to develop a critical and reflexive sense, in the understanding of investigations and analysis of practical cases.


1. Cognição social e teoria da Mente
2. Judgment and Decision Making)
2.1. Judgment and choice under risk and uncertainty: heuristics and bias)
2.2. Judgment and choice over time
3. Attitudes and Persuasion
3.1. The subliminal persuasion
3.2. Attitudes and Behaviour: When attitudes are not enough
4. Social Identity, Stereotypes and Intergrupal Relationships
4.1.Effects of social categorization
4.2.How to escape to a negative group membership
4.3. Terror management theory and intergrupal relatioships
5. Helping e social engagement

Teaching Methods

The teaching methodology includes:
a) Expositive method, with critical discussion of the key concepts;
b) Reading, analyzing and discussing practical cases, individually and in groups;
The methodological assumption is the integration / interconnection between theory and the discussion of case studies.
Continuous evaluation
Written test and a practical assignment. In none of them can they have a grade lower than 8.5 values. Each evaluation component has the weight of 50% in the final mark.
Final evaluation
Written test including a theoretical and a practical component. Obtaining any classification below 10 values implies non-approval. Each evaluation component has the weight of 50% in the final mark.

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )