Research and Data analysis in Psychology

Name: Research and Data analysis in Psychology
Code: PSI11128M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Psychology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

– Demonstrates competence to relate theory, methods, techniques of data generation and analysis, and research results, taking into account the theory of sampling, and the theory of data and of statistical estimation, as well as internal and external validity related issues.
– Demonstrates capacity for problem solving and acquires a reflexive attitude, critically and ethically based, about the use of research methods and data analysis techniques in psychology.

– Demonstrates competence to use documental data bases and to analyze empirical research reports.
– Demonstrates competence to perform techniques of data generation and analysis both with quantitative (statistical analysis) and qualitative (content analysis) data.
– Demonstrates competence to write research reports accordingly to the American Psychological Association’s (2010) guidelines.


1. Formulation of research problems.
1.1. Paradigms, scientific theories and models that represent them.
1.2. Literature review, delimitation of the research domain, and methodological options: quantitative, qualitative, and mixed designs.
2. Internal and external validity of quantitative research designs: correlational, clinical-experimental, and experimental.
2.1. Theory of data and construct validity.
2.2. Theory of sampling and sample types.
2.3. Theory of data and hypotheses testing.
2.4. Cross-validation vs. validity generalization.
3. Internal and external validity of qualitative research designs based on content analysis.
3.1. Research questions, data generation, and corpus establishment.
3.2. Corpus coding and validity.
3.3. Codifiers and reliability.
4. Communication of research problems, methods, techniques and results.
5. Interdependency of ethical and technical issues in data generation and analysis, and in the communication of results.

Teaching Methods

Theoretical classes
The relationship between problems, methods and techniques of quantitative and qualitative research in psychology is discussed and illustrated with both the SPSS and G*Power. The work made by the students during the semester is supported by tokens of reading to prepare their answers to an individual Test of acquired knowledge.

Practical classes (75% are mandatory)
Students are prepared to collect data and write an individual Experiential Report about the collective administration of questionnaires to young-adults and hetero-administration of questionnaires to young-adults, adults and elders. The writing of two Research Reports (quantitative and qualitative) in psychology is also prepared, in small groups, supported by the supply of two tutorials and two scripts with the objectives and lessons’ planning.

Continuous and Final Evaluations
40%, Test (20 values; minimum 9.5) + 60%, Experiential Report (4 values) and Research Reports (8 values each; minimum 3.5 each).

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )