Biotechnology Applied to Heritage

Name: Biotechnology Applied to Heritage
Code: QUI13569M
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Biochemistry

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

To transmit cultural heritage to future generations, implies to prevent its deterioration.
This curricular unit aims to sensitize the students to the study and conservation of cultural heritage by providing skills to detect the main causes of biodeterioration and the role of biochemistry in strategies for detecting and mitigating biodeteriogenic agents.
This curricular unit should stimulate in the students a new consciousness about Biochemistry application, develop new work methodologies and ability to evaluate and solve problems, contributing to the valuation of heritage.
It is also intended to develop a set of competences to select and interpret relevant scientific information, discuss its implications and communicate scientific ideas and knowledge, in oral and written form, organized in a coherent and logical mode.


The biodeterioration of heritage: different ecological niches, material characteristics, monuments and cultural artefacts. Aesthetic damage and / or structural damage of the artworks.
Colonizing microorganisms: the main colonizing agents involved and the various pathologies. Processes for detecting their metabolic activity.
Methodological schemes applied to the study of heritage artefacts: sensitive microanalysis methodologies combined with molecular tools.
Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). Fluorescent probes and most commonly used fluorochromes. Simultaneous detection of two or more targets, detection by microscopic epifluorescence and flow cytometric analysis.
Microbial community dynamics: non-culture dependent methods; metagenomic DNA extraction and next generation sequencing (NGS).
New biotechnological approaches applied to heritage: the role of biochemistry / biotechnology for innovative solutions.

Teaching Methods

The teaching is based on theoretical, practical sessions and tutorials classes. The practical sessions constitute the largest percentage of time and are articulated and complementary to the theoretical classes, applying the subjects in concrete practical situations.
The tutorial guidelines will serve to support scientific-pedagogical monitoring of students, particularly in implementing a complementary and integrator work proposed.
Evaluation corresponds to the elaboration of a report with critical analysis of the results obtained (75%) and its presentation (25%).