Territories and Organizational Strategies

Name: Territories and Organizational Strategies
Code: ECN13503M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Economy

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

This course of Territories and Organizational Strategies aim to contributing to a thorough knowledge of the theoretical and analytical latest economic analysis and planning of sub-national territorial units (local / regional / interregional / transnational) and pilot areas of the relationship territories versus companies. This course seeks to ensure the following core competencies: i) the ability to create development strategies aimed at specific territorial contexts ii) the ability to create public policies and business projects with a strong territorial bases; iii) the ability to create and manage processes of place-based business attracting; iii) The ability to support the installation processes of firms in a territory; iv) The ability to manage the portfolio of companies in a specific area and to manage territory´s global attractiveness at different territorial scales.


1) Administration, planning and development of territories and the implications of the European integration and of the increasing international exposure.
2) Governance and governance - the new relational model of territories and organizations and new requirements for the definition of place-based public policies.
3) The economics of networks, the networked economy and the piloting process of territories and organizations at different territorial levels.
4) The EU Regional Policy and other policies with territorial relevance of the European Union.
5) The public policies with territorial relevance in Portugal and the new planning environment arising from Cohesion Policy 2021-2027.
6) The competitiveness of territories and organizations in the global economy.
7) The management of territorial attractiveness, economic diplomacy and the models of strategic territorial inter-action.

Teaching Methods

This course is taught in order to ensure and demonstrate the strong practical applicability of the scientific fields of regional economics, urban economics, public administration and political science.
In this sense, the classes, which are theoretical and practical, are taught to ensure a strong link between the theoretical knowledge transmitted with the demonstration and experimentation by the students, of the practical applicability of the specific reality of each local or regional territory.
With this purpose, is developed over the course, by students, a practical work consisting of a scientific article, where the theoretical, practical and the methodological knowledge acquired during the course are applied.
Evaluation: i) the continuous evaluation regime: Preparation of a scientific paper on the subject under study, with 100% weight on the final grade; ii) The examination regime: Development of a written exam with a weight of 100% of the final grade.

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )