
Name: Macroeconomics
Code: ECN11906M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Economy

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

General goals:
To improve the skills in, and knowledge of, modern macroeconomics, with especial emphasis on its applications and policy implications.
The course makes extensive use of intermediate-level mathematics, as well as time series. In particular, the purpose of the UC is
a) to familiarize the students in the use of econometric techniques used in the recent literature of Macroeconomics,
b) developing skills to use econometric software packages, collecting and processing data, as well as developing applied research work.
General skills:
Autonomy, responsibility, adaption, initiative, Independent reasoning, decision, and innovation,
Professional skills:
team-working, oral and written communication, ability to communicate research results and ideas to specialists and non specialists.
Specific skills
Capacity of abstraction, model building, intuition, research ethics


1-Demand management policies in a open-economy framework.
2 – Government deficit and public debt.
3- The labor market, the Phillips curve debate and the dynamic aggregate supply
4- The complete model
5- The business cycles: the new Keynesian economics and the Theory of Real Business Cycles.
6- The long run: from neoclassical growth models to the endogenous growth.
7- New frontiers for macroeconomics

Teaching Methods

Lectures are organized around specific topics for each chapter and complemented by an active learning strategy. Students will be asked to analyse and present short papers in class. The use of the e-learning moodle platform will be extensively used
The typical lecture will make use of different learning methods. First, papers are presented in sequence and detail. The central model is dissected and discussed with the students. Secondly, we present other models and approaches to the same issue, highlighting how they are related and how other assumptions and modeling choices may lead to alternative results. We provide an overview of the literature and the role of each of the models in the development of the literature and the definition of the research frontier.
The continuous evaluation process consists of: (1) Thematic short paper (15%); (2) Analysis and possible extension of an article (40%); (3) one final Exam (45%). Alternatively students may choose a single final exam (100%).

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )