Studio I

Name: Studio I
Code: PAO13835M
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Landscape Architecture

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

- To deepen the use of project tools;
- To deepen the ability to critical observation, landscape analysis and synthesis;
- To deepen the main conceptual design specificities linked with the design process in landscape architecture;
- To deepen the ability to interpret a place and a program;
- To deepen the project’s communication strategies;
- Provide the students the capacity of understanding the complexity of the landscape design, and to deepen them in a holistic view of the space.


- Landscape design methodology, the place and landscape design program, project strategy, typologies and landscape design characteristics;
- Relationship between the functional organization, physical setting and global structure (natural and cultural): spaces, paths and edges; vegetation, topography, water and inert elements;
- Instruments of design: freehand sketch, technical draw, model, video, oral communication and poster.

Teaching Methods

- The syllabus is supported with presenting in audiovisual support classes and is experimented in the landscape design exercise, sustained in tutorial classes and also with conferences attendance and field trips;
- Continuous evaluation and final evaluation:
The evaluation is continuous (assessment based on draft proposals of landscape design);
The work ends with the final presentation to the jury;
Evaluation system sets on continuous evaluation (attendance, participation and practical work) with customized weekly review
- Given the skills and the nature of the work to be developed by the student, there is no opportunity for an evaluation through a final exam, appeal exam or exam in the special or extraordinary season

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )