Economics and Management of Water Resources

Name: Economics and Management of Water Resources
Code: GES08392M
Duration: 30 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Management

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

This course studies the subjects connected with planning and economic management of water resources. It is intended to study present problems of the water resources management applying criteria and methods of economic valuation of water resources.
Thus, the aim is to promote the following skills:
- identifying and applying the main concepts of water resources planning
- applying economic principles of water supply
- identifying and defining the policies of water resources management
- learning and applying the main methods and techniques of water economic valuation
- economic assessing of policies of water resources management


1. Water as an economic and social good
2. Economic of water resources
3. Management policies of water resources
4. Methods of economic valuation of water resources
5. The water national plan

Teaching Methods

Exposition of theoretical concepts. Discussion of subjects that illustrate and consolidate of theoretical concepts. The evaluation is a written essay or a written final exam