Wineries and equipment

Name: Wineries and equipment
Code: ERU13826M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Rural Engineering

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The students will be able to participate in the design of wineries.
Lead and execute plans for technical assistance associated with the implementation of wineries.
Enable students to select and design cooling equipment.
Encourage a spirit of analysis and criticism concerning the different environmental control systems and waste treatments.


Winery design and layout. Environmental control technologies applied to different areas in the winery. Environmental control systems design. Energy balances. Use of cold technologies. Energy efficiency.
Cleaning and sanitation systems.
Characterisation of waste and residuals. Circular economy applied to wineries.

Teaching Methods

Theoric-practical classes (including study visits to wineries whenever possible).
Evaluation will consist in written examination and/or group work with presentation and discussion in the classroom.
The continuous evaluation consists of 2 written frequency tests with a weight of 30% each and a project work with presentation and discussion in classroomk, with a weight of 40%. Alternatively, a final exam can be chosen.

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )