Allergy and Environment

Name: Allergy and Environment
Code: CMS14331L
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Health Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese


In Allergy and Environment, the concepts and methods in the study of allergies and the mechanisms of allergic reaction are addressed, as well as environmental allergens, their sources and distribution and the impact of human exposure on allergic disease.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

In this course, students will discuss, interpret, describe and analyze environmental information relevant to the development of inflammatory-based diseases dependent on the interaction between the environment and the immune system, namely hypersensitivity diseases such as allergies.
At the end of the course, the student must be able to:
• Know the fundamental mechanisms of interaction between allergens and environmental pollutants with the immune system;
• Recognize the characteristic pictures of allergic diseases;
• Recognize and describe the main environmental exposure and risk factors;
• Assess the risk levels of exposure to various environmental allergens;
• Advise public authorities on measures to be implemented to reduce exposure to various allergens and pollutants;
• Communicate scientific ideas and knowledge, in oral and written form, and organize information in a coherent and logical way under subjects within the scope of the discipline.


I - Fundamental Mechanisms in Immunity:
• The cells of the immune system;
• Chemical Mediators and Antibodies;
II - Interactions between the environment and the immune system:
• Molecular mechanisms in hypersensitivity reactions - allergic disease;
• Allergens – structure and function;
• Allergens and cross-reaction;
• Allergen allergenicity mechanisms;
• Chemical air pollutants (indoor and outdoor) and hypersensitivity reactions;
III - Environmental Allergens:
• Mites, animal epithelia, fungal spores and pollen
• Sampling methodologies and detection, quantification and monitoring techniques;
• Exposure and health impacts - principles of exposure and risk assessment;
• Environmental risk factors - climatic and geographic factors;
• Risk forecast;
IV - Most Common Allergic Diseases
V - Occupational and Environmental Allergy

Teaching Methods

The teaching consists of: a) theoretical-practical classes where the fundamental concepts will be exposed, using whenever possible concrete case studies – whenever possible, using audiovisual material; b) field work and laboratory sessions dedicated to the identification of some allergens and their sources. The practical component will be articulated with theoretical concepts and will be supported in the resolution of concrete situations.
Students can choose between a continuous assessment or a final exam according to REI. Thus, its evaluation will consist of the presentation of a case, in oral and written form (50%) and a written test on the subjects covered (50%). The final grade will result from the average of the 2 frequencies. Alternatively, the student may take the final exam. Final grade varies between 0-20 values.