Problems of Metaphysics and Epistemology II

Name: Problems of Metaphysics and Epistemology II
Code: FIL12742L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Philosophy

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

1. To achieve an historical knowledge of the articulation of metaphysical, epistemic, and epistemological, from
beginning of the Contemporary Age (Kant) to the XXI th Century
2. To frame this metaphysical consideration with the understanding of the scientific procedures and theories in
significant moments in the history of science, enabling the comprehension of the scientific crises and
paradigmatic ruptures, understood in conjunction with the philosophical tradition and the prevailing cultural
3. To be able to achieve an introductory comprehension of some non-Western systems of knowledge (in
animistic and totemic cultures).
4. To philosophically problematize the notion of "true", a crucial articulation between the epistemic and
epistemological perspetives, on the one hand, and its metaphysical dimension, on the other.


Modern Science and its social cultural and civilizational repercussions. Atheism, nihilism and techno-science
and the contemporary fate of Western thinking in a globalized world.
1.The idealistic views of Fichte to Nietzsche, the historicity of the Spirit and the questioning of Life. The
developments of the empirical sciences and the naturalization of biological. The theory of evolution and its
intellectual repercussions.
2.The epistemological foundations ‘crisis and the importance of pragmatism. The "linguistic turn" and the
criticism to metaphysics. The consolidation of social and human sciences in the Twentieth century. The ontoteo-
logical deconstruction (Heidegger ) and the phenomenological dimension of knowing (Merleau-Ponty).
3.The main contemporary epistemological theories. The "archeology " of the humanities and the social studies of
science. The multiplication of knowledge systems. The logic of multiple (Deleuze, Badiou). The neurobiological
explanation of knowledge.

Teaching Methods

The teaching combines lectures by the teachers with active methodologies, involving the participation, research
and presentation by the students:
1. Oral presentation of the theoretical syllabus, aided, when possible, by audiovisual means;
2. Summaries of the subjects taught, indicating the specific texts support;
3. Reading, analysis and discussion of selected texts and oral discussion of the same;
4. Individual and group studies;
5. Participation in conferences of interest;
6. Tutorial guiding and e-learning’s methodologies (http://www.moodle.uevora.pt)

Two types of evaluation – continuous evaluation and assessment by examination:
a. Continuous evaluation: four written bibliographical recensions (50%) and a final essay (50%);
b. Examination: written and oral discussion.

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )