Introduction to the Systems of Signification and Communication

Name: Introduction to the Systems of Signification and Communication
Code: FIL12723L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Philosophy

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

1.To establish a broad framework of knowledge, historical and cultural, about the diversity of the systems of
signification and communication, in order to capture homologies, differences, transmissions, recurrences and
2.To understand the processes of signification and communication as phenomena of apprehension,
organization, representation and meaning of the senses and contents of human production, knowledge, and
action, that shape cultures.
3.To recognize, in an introductory approach, the contributions of different disciplines: semiotics, history,
philosophy, history of art, anthropology, philosophy of technologies, cognitive studies, design, to the
understanding of the complex phenomena of signification and communication.
4.To realize how the transformations of material supports and media creation, and transmission of visual
messages in contemporary societies have modified the contents and visuality, and gave rise to new dynamics of
the image, perception and experience.


1.The systems of signification and communication: graphic, oral , written, printed, aural, visual, digital. Basic
elements for the understanding of the systems of signification and communication; the modes, instruments and
technologies of mediation.
2.The anthropological, sociopolitical and cognitive dimensions of the systems of signification and
communication. The instrumental homogeneity and diversity of achievements: routines, styles and innovations.
Analysis of some historical situations and exemplary perspectives.
3.Contemporary visual culture and visual communication. Contemporary theories of the image. The social and
cultural historical background of a "History of the Image" (Débray).Contemporary visibilities and their narratives:
the Society of the Spectacle, Simulacra, Opacity, Transparency, Liquidity, Hipervisualization and Image’s Virtual

Teaching Methods

The course is organised in line with the principles of theoretical teaching, associated with hours of practical and
field teaching as well as the monitoring tutorial of the work carried out in the classroom and outside.
The lectures will focus on the contents, theories and debates of each subject matter.
Diverse support materials and media will be used: written documents and texts, and also several materials and
visual media, from photos to films. The lectures will include sessions where students will be asked to analyze
and discuss some very important texts. The participation and active contribution of students is a main
orientation and will be one of the most valued components on continuous assessment and evaluation.

Students will have two evaluation options: continuous assessment or final exam. The former will include one
final test (40%), short essays written in (10%), two reflection papers on specific texts (30%), and a
PowerPoint presentation on a particular subject (20%).

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )