Psychology and Corporeity

Name: Psychology and Corporeity
Code: PSI11115L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Psychology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

A - To know:
1- Theoretical foundation that contributes to understand the concept of corporeity
2- The role of the Body structuring the psyche and the construction of identity
3- Aspects of body language and non-verbal communication
4- And to identify in the expressive body language, signs and meanings that facilitate a better understanding and adaptation of the future intervention in psychomotor rehabilitation
5- The contribution of socio-emotional aspects to the construction of Body Image
6- And understand the role of the Body in some dimensions of becoming ill
7- Body's place in some therapeutic approaches
B - Developing skills of:
1- Reflection on your own body dynamics associating emotional dimensions;
2- Recognition in the other person, various aspects of body language and non-verbal communication
3- Expression and recognition of various communication channels
4- Reflection and personal development on the various topics of the program,from bodily experiences in group dynamics


1- Introduction: A look at the Body
1.1. Historical and (multi) cultural perspective
1.2. The Body in Psychology
2- Corporeity
2.1. Own body and lived body
2.2. The phenomenological experience of the moving body
2.3. Body and Identity
3 - The Symbolic and Significant Body
3.1. Body and Emotion
3.2. Body and Relationship
3.3. Body and Expression
3.4. Body Image
4 - Body Language and Non-verbal Communication
4.1. Body language characteristics
4.2. Dynamics and parameters of non-verbal communication
4.3. Communication channels
5 - Corporeity and illness
6 - Body and Therapeutic Processes
6.1. The Body in therapy and the therapy of the Body
6.2. Interventions of body mediation

Teaching Methods

Theoretical component – aim to deepen theoretical frameworks and develop personal skills, focusing on debate and working in small groups after exposure of topics using audiovisual materials
Practical Component - aim to deepen students' personal development and the development of listening skills of their own body and inter-individual relationship, using an experiential work in group dynamics articulated with theoretical contents.
Tutorial Orientation- guides the student in his / her autonomous work and in other tasks subject to evaluation.
Continuous assessment:
- A written test(30%)
- A theoretical group work on the development of a theme in the scope of the discipline (30%)
- Individual portfolio of practical classes(30%)
- Participation in classes and in discussion groups(10%)
Examination assessment:
- A written exam about all contents course(60%);
- Individual portfolio of practical classes or oral exam(40%)

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )