
Name: Psychopathology
Code: PSI11107L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Psychology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese


This UC was planed with the aim of teaching students about the lexicon used in Psychopathology and mental health and with the main nosological entities

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Theoreticall Knowledge
- To know about the basic principles of psychopathology as a discipline
- To know about psychopathological semiology
- To know and describe the major nosological entities in psychopathology

Practical skills:
- Thinking critically abvout psychopatological classifications
- To aknowledge the importante of personal factors and of past hisotry in understanding mental ilness
- To identify the synmptoms and the diagnosis of a clinical case


PART 1 - Psychopathology: Subject of Study, Concepts, Methods and Semiology
1-Psychopathology as a discipline
2-Classification and diagnosis in psychopathology
3- Psychopathological semiology

PART II- Nosology: Description of Diagnostic Entities in Psychopathology
1- Schizophrenia and other Psychotic Disorders
2- Depressive Disorders and suicide
3- Bipolar Disorders
4- Anxiety Disorders
5- The Somatoform Disorders
6- Obsessive-compulsive disoder and related disorders
7- Trauma and Stressor-Related Disorders
8- Personality Disorders
9- Anorexia nervosa and Bulimia nervosa
10- Substance Related disosrders
11- Other psychopathological disorders

Teaching Methods

Teaching methodology:
Expository teaching
Watching videos and writen vignetes about clinical cases
Group exercices on case reports and subsequent discussion about the nosological entities

Evaluation methodologies:
Two tests
Practical group works: a case study and a conceptual work about a clinical entity

The continuous evaluation is composed of two components; practical (two assignments) and theoretical: two tests
25% + 25% of the final classification
25% + 25% of the final classification

The final evaluation is composed of the following components:
1- Exam - 50% of the final classification
2- Practical component
2 assignments - 25% + 25% of the final classification

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )