Equine and Companion Animal Studies

Name: Equine and Companion Animal Studies
Code: ZOO13893L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Animal Science

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese


Enables an integrated view of the dog and the horse in society and fosters an ethical and citizenship awareness associated with these species. Provides knowledge of the communication of species with each other and with humans, as well as the particularities related to their teaching and management.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The UC is made up of two independent modules dealing with two species: 1) dogs and 2) horses.
Module 1- Dogs
Objectives: To provide students with an integrated view of the dog, with an emphasis on understanding dog behaviour. The communication between dogs and between dogs and humans. Reproductive and health characteristics of dogs. Essential knowledge for dog education and training. Ethical and citizenship awareness of the dog in society.
Module 2 - Horses
To provide students with theoretical and practical skills related to behaviour and management, with emphasis on the latter, as the manipulation of horses is the only way for them to know and use them.


Module 1 – Dog
1. The evolution of the genus Canis sp.
2. Domestication of the Dog
3. Biology and behavior
4. The ontogenic development of the dog
5. The genetic influence on behavior
6. Learning and Teaching
7. behavioral disorders
Module 2 - Horse
1. Origin, domestication and evolution of the horse and other equines
2. Distribution of horses in the world.
3. Use of the horse in the World
4. Evolution of the stud industry
5. Functional Assessment of the horses in the various methods of production.
6. Major equestrian activities
7. Equine reproduction
8. Nutrition and feeding of horses
9. Feeding behavior of horses.
10. equine Grooming
11. The behavior of the horse in the wild and captivity.
12. Prevention of locomotor disorders, digestive and respiratory
13. Prophylaxis of infectious diseases and parasitic diseases.
14. Management of foals
15. Accommodations, production structures and sports

Teaching Methods

Theoretical or practical classes are lectured, according to the themes, in or in the field, where the animal's handling takes place. In addition to the presentation of the subject in class, the help of photographs, films and other audiovisual material is also used to explain specific aspects of the UC programme. Case studies will be presented for discussion in class. Students are also allowed to share concrete cases they find attractive about animal behaviours to be commented on and discussed to identify and suggest solutions. The assessment of the UC is composed of 2 compulsory tests, each one considering the subject matter of each module.
At the end of each module, a final examination is carried out covering all the subjects taught in the
module. The student must obtain a minimum score of 9.5 on the final exam in each module to pass the course.