Animal Anathomy and Physiology II

Name: Animal Anathomy and Physiology II
Code: ZOO13404L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Animal Science

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


To approach and deepen concepts of Animal Anatomy and Physiology, specifically those related to the processes of digestion, breathing, the urinary system, physioclimatology and reproduction and lactation, in domestic animals of zootechnical interest.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Introduction to the physiological processes of digestion, respiration, urinary system, physio-climatology, reproduction and lactation in domestic animals.

Knowing the fundamental mechanisms of digestion, respiration, urinary system, physioclimatology, reproduction and lactation.
Ability to integrate the various functions.
Collect, record, and analyze physiological parameters.
Discuss the physiological adaptations to different environmental contexts.


1. Digestive system. Anatomy. Regulation of gastrointestinal function. Digestive secretions. Mechanisms of digestion and absorption. Digestion in monogastrics, ruminants, and birds.
2. Respiratory system. Anatomical structure. Mechanics of breathing. Exchange and transport of gases and regulation of respiration.
3. Urinary System. Anatomy of the kidney and accessory structures. Mechanisms of urine formation. Factors that regulate diuresis. Water and acid-base balance.
4. Homeotermia and poikilothermia. Heat exchange between animal and environment. Zone of thermoneutrality and thermal stress. Physiological and endocrine responses to thermal stress.
5. Anatomy and physiology of the male and female reproductive system. Reproduction control. Introduction to reproduction endocrinology.
6. Lactation. Structure, growth, and development of the mammary gland. Lactogenesis, galactopoiesis, composition, milk secretion and ejection. Milking. Factors affecting milk production and composition.

Teaching Methods

The teaching of this Curricular Unit is based on the theoretical exposition of the main topics of each theme, in the practical illustration of physiological concepts based on anatomical models, laboratory techniques, computer programs and in the resolution of case studies.
The student can opt for the Continuous Assessment or Final Assessment.
Continuous Assessment: Two or three evaluation tests. This scheme applies only to students with a presence of ≥ 75% of classes held. Any student who obtains a grade on a test of less than 9 [0-20] will automatically change to the Final Acessment. Teachers can implement individual or group works, which will count for the final grade depending on the rules presented at the beginning of each module.
Final Assessment: An exame on all the subjects taught in the semester.
Approval in the curricular unit: Getting a rating equal to or greater than 10 [0-20] in the evaluations carried out (Continuous Assessment or Final Assessment).