Legal Regime of the Profession

Name: Legal Regime of the Profession
Code: ECN14457L
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Legal-Political Theory and International Relations

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese


The UC allows students to master the fundamental legal and deontological framework of the legal regime of the health systems where the Portuguese legal system is inserted.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

1. Introduction and legal hermeneutics. Health Law and Medicine Law.
2. Health systems and the National Health System: nursing.
3. The legal relationship between health professionals and the patient: rights and duties. Nursing professional status.
4. The legal system inherent to the professional practice of nursing (Portugal and the European Union).


1. The Portuguese legal system and the normative order of health: medicine law. Public and Private Law.
2. The importance of the Law for the nursing practice: standard of care.
3. The rights and duties of the patient: Personality rights. From prenatal human life to the living wills and care instructions.
4. Duties and rights of the nursing health professional: as leges artis; Informed consent; Registration duties (medical records);
secrecy. Professional independence; Technical objections and consciences. Patient safety '(prevention, risks and adverse effects)
5. The responsibilities of the nurse.

Teaching Methods

Expositive-participatory method in theoretical classes. Case resolution in theoretical-practical classes. Guidance for the study and
solution of concrete situations in the assessment classes Rating: i | Continuous: papers, presentations and / or written test. Ii | Final
tests: oral examination (jury)

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )