Construction Technology III

Name: Construction Technology III
Code: ARQ02553I
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Architecture

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Subject: Integration systems
From knowledge acquired in the former semester and in coordination with Project subject, based on its work, the work to develop in this semester, in this subject, will be the attendance of the project through analysis of several components, sides of building's physics and its consequent optimization, within a dialogue between architecture and specialities.
In this subject we introduce the concept of building while technical system. The student should articulate and coordinate the different specialities in a coherent whole, understanding them as elements which are part of the project and contribute to definition of architectonic expression. We still give relevance to efficiency and sustainability issues.


Integration of special projects in the architectural design (coordination):
- Structural System
- Air Conditioning and Water Heating systems;
- Solar and Geothermal Systems;
- Thermic;
- Ventilation;
- Rainwater Networks, Water Supply and Sewage;
- Natural and Artificial Lighting
- Acoustics
- Principals of Energetic Efficiency and Sustainability

Teaching Methods

The subject is developed into two periods. One first moment in which we are going to review the basic concepts of different studied systems in former semesters and solutions type will be presented, these ones dedicated to ongoing work of project subject. In a second period, through periodic work sessions and with just one expert in each session where the solutions presented by the student to each speciality will be discussed along the semester.

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )