Tour Operators Practices I

Name: Tour Operators Practices I
Code: SOC13860L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Tourism

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese


This curricular unit aims to provide students with knowledge about the functioning of a travel and tourism agency within the scope of their own and ancillary activities, exploring the use of the Galileo software.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

- Identify and select reliable sources for data query and tourist information and technical-operational.
- Plan, sell and operate the tours, considering the main variables.
- Read and interpret tours programs.
- Propose tourist services required to meet customer expectations and motivations.
- Identify rights and duties of the client in the sale process;
- Select suppliers and services that correspond to the philosophy of the business;
- Identify national and international associations that can better serve the interests of business in the context of sustainable development.
- Identify and analyze the existing legal framework on the intermediary services.
- Competence in using ICT applied to tourism, reservations, using the Galileo system.


1. Introductory notes
1.1. Historical notes about travel arrangements
1.2. The main organisations operating in Portugal
1.3. Professional associations, national and international
1.4. Glossary
2. Travel agencies and tourism
2.1. Concept and types
2.2. Direct and indirect activities
2.3. Structure of supply and demand of services: general perspectives
3. Tours
3.1. Concept and types
3.2. Structure of tourism distribution
4. Computer distribution systems
4.1 Computer Reservation Systems
4.2 Global Distribution Systems
4.3 Case Study: Software GALILEO

Teaching Methods

The matters to be addressed in teaching theoretical and practical lessons, not only using the methods of exposition and explanation for the transmission of knowledge, while also encouraging dialogue and debate to deepen understanding of the different contents. In this context also be practical exercises conducted by students to promote a proper understanding of some of the content of the discipline. Students will be encouraged to identify additional sources of information to those indicated for each subject, not only using the traditional tools of research, but also to electronic media available. For the teaching of some modules of the software reserves Galileo will also be used method of testing for students to contact with their program and encouraging their self-training.

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )