Planning of Events and Touristic Animation I

Name: Planning of Events and Touristic Animation I
Code: SOC00136L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Tourism

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Provide students with theoretical and practical knowledge on the role of events and animation in tourism development in countries, regions or localities. The unit has specific objectives: To understand the phenomenon of events and tourist animation; provide methodological tools for planning and organizing events and tourist animation; Provide tools for the marketing of events and activities of tourism animation; provide tools for capture and creation of national and international events; understand and effectively articulate the techniques of animation.


A- Events Planning
1-Events: concepts, classification and types
2-The academic study of events: research and disciplinary contributions
3 - Tourism Events
4 - Events and Development: cultural festivals, medieval fairs, capital
European culture.
4.1-Creative Events
5 - Impact of events (socio-cultural, economic, political, etc.)
6 - Motivations, experiences and satisfaction with events
7 - Event Partners (Media, Sponsors, Host Community, participants, etc.)
8-Raising Events International and National
9 - Planning for tourism events
9.1-Phases of the process of strategic planning of the event
9.2-instrumental models for planning events
10 - Event Marketing
B- Tourism Animation
1-Tourist Animation: Concepts, objectives and legislation
2-Animation and tourist development
3 - Hotel Tourist Animation
4 - The Animator Tourist Profile and function
5 - Animation of Tourist Activities
6 - Planning and organizing activities of Tourist Animation

Teaching Methods

In order to achieve the objectives, the teaching methodologies will be based on theoretical and practical lessons, not only using the lecture method and explanation for the transmission of essential knowledge, but also fostering dialogue, debate and reflection. Practical exercises will be done on different themes related to events and animation. Scientific and technical visits will be made at some events and animation companies. Students put into practice a scientific event and an animation tourist activity in the Alentejo region.
a)Continuous Evaluation: Frequency 45%; Event Project 20%; Animation Project 25%. Participation in 10%. Minimum frequency note: 8 values. b)Exam Normal: Written Test 70%; event Project 15%; Animation Project 15%; c) Exam Resource: written test 100%

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )