Empires and Decolonization

Name: Empires and Decolonization
Code: HIS02399L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: History

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

My goal is to offer a general & specific knowledge concerning concepts, chief explaining theories, & the historical phenomena of imperialism, colonialism and decolonization. Acquire: a) capacity to analyze key events in the history of imperialism & decolonization from late 18th century to the late 20th century; b) capacity to understand the rhetoric that explains, legitimizes and criticizes imperialism, colonialism & decolonization.
Students should: a) acquire & consolidate working capacity both individually & collectively; b) be able to identify & recognize fundamental bibliography on the issues lectured; c) be able to work with historical data; d) improve their capacity to communicate on both oral & written forms, making use of specific vocabulary employed by history and social sciences; e) acquire knowledge and skills that will enable them to pursue post-graduation studies; f) acquire & consolidate skills concerning the regular use of foreign languages (reading & writing).


1. Introduction to the history of imperialism, colonialism and decolonization. Chronology, theories and concepts.
2. The general question of decline and fall of empires. Gibbon the "classical" Roman Empire theory.
3. American independences and the phenomena of imperialism (c. 1770 - c. 1830).
4. "New" imperialism (c. 1830-1914): its origins and nature.
5. Imperialism and colonialism in post World War One: crisis, decline and revival.
6. Imperialism and colonialism: from Second World War to the ultimate decolonization wave (1939-c.1980). Theory and history.
7. From 1960's: neocolonialism and post-imperialism: politics, economy, culture, religion and ideology.

Teaching Methods

Lectures cover between 66% and 75% of "contact hours". Remaining time is consumed in presentations of papers by students. Two more classes are spent evaluating students in two different written tests. A tutorial schedule is given to the students but tutorial regime is optional. Each summary is available on-line.
Students must read 30 pages average per week (66% in Portuguese and 33% in a foreign language). They have to prepare paper presentations that will be discussed in classroom (the final written version of each one of those papers will have no more than 35 000 characters); two written tests in the classroom are also compulsory (2 hours each). Each written test counts 25% and the written paper 50%. Having less than an 8 (eight) out of 20 (twenty) in any test or in the paper written version implies that the student will have make a final test. In all written tests the students are allowed to use personal notes in written paper. Use of electronic devices is not allowed.

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )