Government Theory

Name: Government Theory
Code: ECN13122L
Duration: 15 weeks/234 hours
Scientific Area: Legal-Political Theory and International Relations

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

This curricular unit intends to give students the knowledge of the formation, structure, and functioning of the State, in terms that allow comparative elements to be obtained on the conceptual frameworks that politically and philosophically underlie the contemporary State, as well as its role in the system contemporary world.


1. The advent of the modern state.
2. From the absolutist state to the constitutional liberalism.
3. Political thinking about the state.
4. The constitutional rule of law.
5. Political regimes.
6. State and democracy. State and human rights.
7. The State in a global world: dilemmas and alternatives.

Teaching Methods

Theoretical-practical classes, where there are topics of dialogue with students. The assessment shall consist of one of the variants determined by the regulatory standards in force.

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )