Comparative Politics

Name: Comparative Politics
Code: ECN13110L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Legal-Political Theory and International Relations

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Comparative Politics applied to International Relations aims to enable the student to a better understanding of
systems, processes, models and the respective political developments, providing them with analytical tools
with an appropriate scientific methodology.
The main skills to be acquired are:
1. Assimilating the operational concepts related to the study area;
2. Understanding and applying the analytical tools of comparative politics;
3. Studying the levels of analysis and case-oriented analysis;
4. Strengthening the process of scientific research..


1. Theories and methods
1.1 Theories, scientific terms and concepts
1.2 Approaches in Comparative Politics
1.3 Comparative research methods

2. Comparing Political Systems
2.1 Methodology
2.2 Systems and processes in Comparative Politics
2.3 Structures and analytical functions

3. The Historical Contest
3.1 The nation-state
3.2 Democracies
3.3 Authoritarian regimes

4. Perspectives in Comparative Politics
4.1 Uses of theory in Comparative Politics
4.2 Alternative perspectives: the six “I”
4.3 The political and the economical process

5. Power
5.1 Power: the concept
5.2 Power projection

6. Globalization
6.1 Civil society and International Economy
6.2 Globalization and integration
6.3 Regional security

7. Case studies - Foreign Policy & International Economic Relations:
7.1. United Kingdom
7.2 France
7.3 Russia
7.5 Bulgaria
7.4 United States
7.5 Brazil
7.6 China
7.7 India
7.8 Japan
7.9 South Africa

Teaching Methods

In the methodological framework is used four pedagogical models to consolidate the knowledge and enhance
the motivation of learners:
1. Theoretical analysis;
2. Practical sessions to discuss issues of development;
3. Exploration of subjects through reading texts and documents;
4. Teacher support in the consolidation of the study.

In the assessment are made 2 tests, one practical initiation of work on research with oral presentation

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )