Psychology of Learning

Name: Psychology of Learning
Code: PSI11099L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Psychology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese


Construction of theoretical and practical knowledge of the main theories of human learning, its processes (cognitive, affective, behavioral) and differential aspects

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

- To Know and relate learning, development, education and teaching - To Know and understand the most relevant learning theories.
- To Apply the principles of the diferente learning theories.
- To Know some of the most important processes involved in learning.
- To Know differential aspects involved in learning and its implications.
- To Integrate the knowledge acquired by selecting the most appropriate to each situation to promote learning.
- To Analyze and reflect on the complementarities, implications and limitations of different models and constructs studied.
- To Reflect on each student own learning processes and strategies.
- To Understand human learning as a construction of meaning about the world and himself.
- To Develop skills of literature research and critical reading.


1. Introduction to Learning Psychology
1.1. Learning definition
1.2. Learning, development, education and teaching

2. Behavioral theories of learning
2.1. Classical Conditioning
2.2. Operant Conditioning
2.3. Social Learning

3. Cognitive Theories of Learning
3.1. Information Processing
3.2. Piaget´s Cognitive Constructivism
3.3. Vygotsky's socio-Contrutivism

4. Individual characteristics and factors of learning
4.1. Intelligence, cognition and learning
4.2. Cognitive styles and learning styles
4.3. Self-concept
4.4. Motivation

5. Self-regulated learning
5.1. Cognitive,metacognitive,motivational and behavioral aspects
5.2. Promotion of self-regulated learning

Teaching Methods

Two types of methodologies will be used according to the type of classes:
1) Theoretical classes: expository method mainly based on the theory of significant verbal learning of Ausubel for the acquisition of information, ideas and relations between concepts. Drawing on examples and interaction through guided discussion and brainstorming
2) Practical classes: active methods such as performing exercises, case analysis, literary excerpts, films, role-playing or simulations. The use of concepts, their understanding, reflection The exchange and debate of ideas is favored.

- Two evaluation tests: a written test (50%) and a written group work that implies a literature review and the deepening and reflection on one of the themes of the program (50%).


CONTINUOUS EVALUATION: Attendance of 75% in theoretical and practical classes. Students who do not meet the minimum number of classes attended can only be assessed during the appeal period, except students in special attendance regimes. Individual written test (50%) and Group Work (50%). If one of these elements of the continuous assessment has a rating below 8 values, the student moves to the final assessment regime (Exam).
FINAL ASSESSMENT (Exam):Individual work (50%) and individual written test (50%). Obtaining any classification lower than 8 values in one of these assessment elements implies failure to pass. STUDENTS IN SPECIAL ATTENDANCE REGIME: contact the teacher within the first 15 days of classes to schedule the assessment regime or 15 days after obtaining the respective special attendance regime. Approval: minimum final grade of 10 values, since none of the evaluation elements have less than 8 values.

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )