Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology

Name: Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology
Code: PSI11091L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Psychology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

– Demonstrates competence to conceive and write an empirical research project in psychology.
– Acquire a reflective attitude, critically and ethically based, about the use of research methods in psychology.

– Demonstrates competence to use documental data bases and empirical research reports.
– Demonstrates competence to make a critical analysis of references in order to formulate a research problem.
– Demonstrates competence to report the participants characteristics, or a corpus, and the adequate procedures to analyze a research problem.
– Demonstrates competence to write a research project accordingly to the American Psychological Association’s (2010) guidelines.


1. Quantitative vs. qualitative research in psychology: convergences and divergences.
2. Formulation of research problems in psychology: critical analysis of references in order to
establish hypotheses or research questions and goals.
3. Interplay between problems and methods in quantitative research.
3.1 Population and sampling.
3.2 Data generation and collection: observation, research interview, tests/questionnaires and experimental devices.
3.3 Hypotheses testing; variables’ status and metrics.
3.4 Experimental method: origins, phases, and internal and external validity of the experimental and clinical-experimental models.
3.5 Correlational research model: origins, explanation vs. description, and internal and external validity in cross-sectional and longitudinal studies.
4. Interplay between problems and methods in qualitative research.
4.1 Case studies and ethnographic studies.
4.2 Content analysis.
5. Interdependency between ethical and technical aspects in psychological research.

Teaching Methods

Theoretical classes
The quantitative and qualitative research are contrasted regarding their epistemological foundations, methodological strategies and the role of the researcher, emphasizing the virtues of the use of mixed methods. The phases of empirical research projects in psychology, based on qualitative and qualitative research models, methods and techniques, are discussed. It is discussed the work made by the students during the semester, supported by the supply of tokens of reading to prepare their answers to an individual Test of acquired knowledge.

Practical classes (75% are mandatory)
Involves the writing, in small groups, of an empirical Research Project about the students’
adaptation to Higher Education. A tutorial and a script with the objectives and lessons’ planning are provided and discussed, and empirical studies in psychology are examined, in order to support that work.

Continuous and Final Evaluations
50% Test (20 values; minimum 9.5) + 50% Research Project (20 values; minimum 9.5).


Continuous Assessment Scheme
To be approved for the course, it is mandatory to attend 75% of the classes and obtain a minimum mark of 9.5/20 for each of the following components:
(1) Group work performed during the semester: an empirical research project (45%).
(2) Individual assessment component performed in the exam periods: a knowledge assessment test with consultation (55%).
The oral defense of the group work may be requested. Works with a mark of 7.5/20 or more are not approved: suggestions for reformulation will be discussed, and the new work will be evaluated.

Final Assessment Scheme
Individual, whose classification derives from the combination of the results obtained in the components of the continuous assessment, with the respective weighting. A mark equal to or higher than 9.5/20 in one of these elements will be considered for the final mark.

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )