Neuroendocrine Biology

Name: Neuroendocrine Biology
Code: BIO11090L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Biological Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

To highlight the main anatomical and functional topics of the human nervous system, from cell – neurons – to tissues and organs (brain, spinal chord), focusing also on the inter-relationship with the neuro-endocrine (hormonal) system, at the level of the hypothalamus and of some glands (supra-renal, thyroid, pancreas and gonads). This UC also establishes the interconnection of subjects from Cell and Hereditary Biology (1st year, 1st semester), with subjects from Neuropsychology (2nd year, 3rd semester). From the practical side, fundamental topics of Primatology will be taught, including the main evolutionary steps of psychomotor development and social organization, typical of hominid primates which antecipate the human species.


Neuro-endocrine Biology: A base física da função neuronal; Células do sistema nervoso; Transmissão dos sinais entre neurónios; Polarização da membrana; Transmissão sináptica; Neurotransmissores; Organização Geral do Sistema Nervoso; Sistema nervoso central: estrutura e funcionamento; Sistema nervoso periférico; Nervos cranianos e raquidianos; Mecanismos secretores; Neurotransmissores e hormonas; Composição química das hormonas; Circuitos endócrinos; Receptores hormonais; Sistema neuro-endócrino; O controlo hipotalâmico da adeno-hipófise; Efeitos fisiológicos das hormonas; Hormonas metabólicas e de desenvolvimento; Hormonas da reprodução.
PRIMATOLOGIA: Aprendizagem em Primatas hominídeos; Organização social de Primatas hominídeos. Visionamento de filmes e documentários; assistência a palestras convidadas.

Teaching Methods

Lecture: basic concepts in Biology and Neurobiology. Reading and analysis of scientific papers. Use of Moodle and mailing list to communicate information (classes and supporting didactic materials) as well as contacts.

Two evaluation methods:
Continuos evaluation, consisting of two mid-term exams (one at the middle of the semester, and the other at the end of the semester, on a scale of 0-20 points, each one valued at 50% of the final grade.
Exam evaluation: one final exam graded 0-20. The minimum average grade required for passing is 10 points. In which the minimum grade for each exam is 8. Students who do not pass in the normal exam date still have a second-chance final exam.