History of Western Music I

Name: History of Western Music I
Code: MUS12941L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Musicology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Contextualized survey of the main fields of Western Music History related to the chronological period given in the unit´s content. Development of knowledge capacities of structuring and synthesis of the unit´s content and the associated written and oral expression training.


- Music in the Middle Ages
1 - The origins of medieval psalmody
2 – The rites
3 - The Medieval Mass
4 - Gregorian Chant
5 – The Church modes
6 – The solmization
7 – Early music notation neumes
8 – Tropes and sequences
9 – The Winchester Troper
10 – Liturgical Drama
11 – The Saint Martial de Limoges School
12 – Ars Antiqua
13 – Secular Music
14 – Ars Nova
15 – Italian Trecento
-Transition to the Renaissance
1 – English influence in the Coninent
2 – Engish Discant & Fauxbourdon
3 – John Dunstable & Lionel Power

Teaching Methods

Theoretical exposition of the main topics of the curricular unit, case studies, scientific discussions of the proposed student´s works with tutorial accompaniment in what concerns the student´s learning process and the respective oral and written skills. Use of recorded musical examples, both audio and audio/video.
• Test including both, short answer and developed answer questions.
• Evaluation of the investigation presented by the student in the room:
• Wording of the work: clear writing, avoiding redundancies, repetition and colloquial terms. Use of technical terms and their explanation.
• Depth and quality of the investigation.
• Ways of presentation: clear and interesting
Organization of the work: in coherence with the principals of the discussion about investigative methodology.

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )