Fundamentals of Orchestration I

Name: Fundamentals of Orchestration I
Code: MUS01917L
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Music

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Study the technical and expressive characteristics of bowed string instruments.
Study the orchestral functionality.
Distinguish orchestral functions (themes, accompanying, etc.) and its clear correspondence with the construction of the orchestral texture.


Bowed string instruments:
- General characteristics;
- Individual characteristics;
- Cadential chords and double stops;
- Bowing, articulation, harmonics, coloristic effects, special indications.
Analysis of representative orchestrations, with particular emphasis on strings but not forgetting the winds.
Scoring for string orchestra. It's the writing itself which allows students to understand not only the best acoustic arrangement of the chord, but especially the physical limits of the instruments;  
Study the compositional features in the orchestration: Where to write the theme; where to write the bass; how to treat the accompaniment; etc..
Piano reduction: the student must learn the reverse technique: observe an orchestral passage and reduce it for piano, adapted to the idiomatic pianistic figure.
Scoring for a string orchestra from a simple piano excerpt.

Teaching Methods

This curricular unit is taught in a small group class.
Listening and analyzing works with the from the orchestration perspective.
Write short orchestrations with the class.
Correction of the individual exercises but always with the observation and participation of the whole class.
- regular exercises (TL).
- one test (F).
             AV = (TLx0 ,5) + (Fx0,5)
             Minimum classroom sessions: 75% (except student workers).
Only students who fail the continuous evaluation can be evaluated by an examination.