Music Analysis III

Name: Music Analysis III
Code: MUS13003L
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Music

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Following the previous semestres, this semestre is dedicated to the study of pitch, both vertical and horizontal – that is, both harmonic and melodic
In general, there is a close link between melody and harmony in musical language.
This semestre has the advantage of being able to study these parameters without reference to any specific period of musical history.


The program focuses on different works from different historical periods. All works studied are major works in the context of the Western Music, being the harmony the unifying aspect of the analysis, addressing the following aspects:
- The harmonic series; consonance and spectralism.
- The harmonic and melodic language of tonality.
- The harmonic and melodic language of pantonality; twelve-note technique.
- The harmonic and melodic language of neo-modality.
- The harmonic and melodic language of contemporary music.

Teaching Methods

This curricular unit is taught in a group class.
In addition to the teacher presentations, research, debate and analytical study should be encouraged.

Evaluation (AV):

Students can choose between:

- Continuous assessment:
• two tests (F).
• analysis paper (TA);

AV = (F1x0,3) + (TAx0,3) + (F2x0,4)

Minimum classroom sessions: 75% (except student workers).

- Final exam:
• Written examination of two hours’ duration (E)

AV = (E x 1,0)

Teaching Staff