Orchestration VI

Name: Orchestration VI
Code: MUS00999L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Music

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Develop the technical capacities to compose music upon traditional music of Portugal.


The tutti.
Comment textures of the classical repertoire.
Do orchestrations of little pieces upon traditional music.

Teaching Methods

This curricular unit is taught in a small group class.
Listening and analyzing works with the from the orchestration perspective.
Write short orchestrations with the class.
Correction of the individual exercises but always with the observation and participation of the whole class.
. regular exercises (TL).
. one test (F).
. a final orchestration (TF);
AV = (TLx0 ,3) + (Fx0,4) + (TFx0,3)
Minimum classroom sessions: 75% (except student workers).
Only students who fail the continuous evaluation can be evaluated by an examination, which may take place at the appeal time.

Teaching Staff (2022/2023 )