Human-Computer Interaction

Name: Human-Computer Interaction
Code: INF13186L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Informatics

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Give students knowledge in Human-Computer-Interaction (HCI) area. At the end of the semester, the student should be able to:
- Understand the human factors that constrain the use of any computer system
- Understand and use the knowledge underlying the creation and development of interfaces
- Identify the type of users that the interface will "serve" and the tasks that the interface must support
- Understand the need and know how to proceed, evaluate the interfaces that develops, at all stages of it´s development
- Identify user-perceived problems in interaction with an application through interaction models
- Provide critical opinions on existing interfaces, suggesting changes whenever necessary


I- Fundamentals:
1. The Human; The computer; The interaction
2. Interaction Paradigms
3. Interaction Styles
4. User and Task Analysis
II. Interaction Design basics
1. Usability engineering
2. Principles that support usability
3. Golden rules and heuristics
4. Iterative design and the spiral model
5. Prototyping
6. Evaluation techniques (Heuristic and Predictive)

Teaching Methods

Theoretical classes with presentation of contents, explanation of applications and illustration of examples. Practical classes with resolution of exercises and development of examples.


The final grade is calculated by the arithmetic mean of the theoretical component (2 tests, 25% each) and a practical work (50%)
There is a final exam for those who do not perform continuous assessment (tests) and an appeal exam in which students can improve their grade or pass the subject. The practical project is done in groups of 3 students.

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )