Editorial Design

Name: Editorial Design
Code: VIS14205L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Design

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese



Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The Curricular Unit aims to provide theoretical and practical references within the Editorial Design through research and applied methodologies.
Stimulate the student within the visual and graphic narrative discourse associated with the Editorial Design project.
Explore the capabilities of critical analysis and design domain based on functional and aesthetic criteria applied to the publishing project.
Enhance the various methodological stages based on concepts sustained by applied research Editorial Design.
Provide the student of knowledge to enable it to give an answer within an Editorial Design project aiming at the quality and creativity of the design.


1. The history of books and press: The evolution of the book and the development of the press. The first newspapers and magazines.
2. Graphics on the page: Margins; Flowlines; Modules; Columns; Markers
3. Page Architecture: Building a grid base; Defining margins; Typographic Space; Images
4. Magazines Design: The Creation of a magazine layout; The format definition; Grid Construction; Creating a Master Page; Typographic choices, Style Sheets; Legibility and reading hierarchy
5. Magazine Layout: Sections layout; Creating reading flow; Graphic Narrative development
6. Prepress: Graphic Mockup; Prototype; Final Artwork

Teaching Methods

The classes will be structured on the basis of research projects, where will be promoted the balance between new media and digital radicionais tos. Promoting, conferences, seminars, workshops and discussion groups.
Ongoing evaluation shall take into account: the attendance; participation in the activities of the school; the evolution of knowledge and practices with peródicas evaluations.
The evaluation of the end of the semester is the moment of general assessment of the student's course based on their responsiveness, in quality of execution, presentation and orality.
Attendance – 10%;
Mid-term– 50%;
Final evaluation – 40%