Editorial Processing Technologies

Name: Editorial Processing Technologies
Code: VIS12869L
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Design

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The classes aim to provide theoretical and practical references within the communication Design with emphasis on Editorial Design shed.
Stimulating graphic narrative and the field of Editorial Design languages.
Explore the software tools using practical exercises, through the Adobe Indesign.
Provide the student capacity to enable it to give a response to a basic level under the vector drawing for paging applications.


1) Introduction:
Potential of the software.
Preferences; The workspace
2) Create a new documents:; Margins; Columns; Guides
3) Navigate in the space of the document: Panels and respective functions; Shortcuts; Managing multiple artboads; Managing multiple documents; Importing Text or Image files
4) Managing pages: Delete; Add; Move; Adding page number
5) Master page: Create; Potentialities
6) Text: Understand and organize; Modules; Define text styles; Define paragraph styles
Special Characters; Use Find/change tool; Fill module with blind text
7) Color: Understand and organize; Create; Change
8) tables:; Create; Define
9) Print:; Preflights; Preview
10) Export: Package; PDF

Teaching Methods

The classes will be based on the sharing and discussion of knowledge with the student on the basis of a series of structured lessons where it promotes research and skills of critical interpretation between the new digital and traditional media.

In the NORMAL SEASON assessment students may choose one of two schemes: Continuous or Final Assessment.

Evaluation Components:
a) Class participation: 20%;
b) Work developed during the period with the accompaniment of the teacher, which must be submitted, at least, to a periodic evaluation with public disclosure of the classifications: 40%;
c) Presentation and defense of the work developed during the classes, which occurs during the "Regular Season Evaluations": 40%.

a) Work developed during the period with the teacher's accompaniment: 40%;
b) Examination based on the contents taught: 60%.

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )