Water and wastewater treatment

Name: Water and wastewater treatment
Code: QUI13605L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Biochemistry, Chemistry

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

In the first part of this course is intended to provide students with a basic set of information management techniques of water supply systems. It is intended that students acquire skills in water supply systems namely in the fields of physical, chemical and microbiological water characterization and systems performance. The second part of this course aims to provide students with basic essential knowledge on the characterization and treatment of wastewater. This unit discusses the origins, qualitative and quantitative characterization of the effluents and sludges, and the definition of optimal treatment layouts, including sizing of unit operations and processes, taking into account relevant environmental legislation in Portugal. The assessment of environmentally friendly technologies will also be described and analyzed through real case studies.


Introduction to the management of water supply systems.
Quantitative and qualitative characterization of waters. Physical, chemical, microbiological and other parameters;
Water treatment for human consumption: main operations and treatment processes. Filtration, coagulation / flocculation, sedimentation, disinfection. Applicable National and European Legislation;
Wastewater typology. Definition of treatment regimen: coagulation / flocculation; sedimentation; biological treatment; nutrient removal; disinfection. Conventional biological treatment processes: aerobic, anoxic or anaerobic, with suspended or fixed biomass. Wastewater reuse;
Biosolids treatment, reuse and final disposal. Incineration, composting, anaerobic digestion, agricultural use;
Ecotechnologies for biological treatment: lagoonage, constructed wetlands, phyto-WWTP.

Teaching Methods

It is intended a learning based on the individual and team work of students in the various aspects of the course.
The assessment will be based on the measurement of knowledge acquisition and understanding and on the development of skills for both the theoretical and laboratory components.
The evaluation of the laboratory component consists of a continuous evaluation during the semester and will be the result of the evaluation of the student's individual performance in the laboratory classes as well as the evaluation of the delivered reports, with a weighting of 30% in the overall grade. The option of laboratory component evaluation by final exam is not foreseen in this UC.
The evaluation of the theoretical component will take place through the completion of frequencies or a final exam, with a weighting of 70% in the overall grade.

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )