SIGS in Geosciences

Name: SIGS in Geosciences
Code: GEO13331L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Geology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese


In this training, students obtain core competencies in the creation, treatment, and management of spatial information. The knowledge is practiced using free software available.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Understanding the potential of digital cartography technologies and geographic information systems in teaching.
Ability to create and execute a project for the creation and basic treatment of cartographic information using GIS tools.


1- Introduction to geographic representation: From cartography to GIS, evolution of digital cartography.
2- Introduction of the concept of geographic information system:
3- Presentation of the basic characteristics of spatial data models,
- Vector data models,
- Raster data models,
- Other spatial data models.
4- Possibilities, applications and limitations of digital cartography in teaching.
5- Introduction to spatial analysis in GIS:
- From a map to a geographic information system,
- Design and creation of a digital map,
- Graphical representations,
- Projection Systems,
- Georeferencing,
- Digitization of information
6- Elementary notions of spatial databases.
7- Digital mapping tools applied to teaching
Laboratory practice:
Elementary knowledge of GIS interfaces.
Vector information
- GIS symbols and labels.
- Digitization of points and lines.
- Polygon scanning.
- Creation and editing of symbols.
Raster data
Project in GIS

Teaching Methods

Preference is given to theoretical-practical teaching in which concepts will be introduced and explained, based on exercises that students will have to perform in the classroom, completing with exercises at home, after being properly framed, trained and explained. The training has a b-learning character, privileging the resolution of practical cases.
The evaluation corresponds to (i) the delivery of the exercises performed (continuous evaluation- 50%), to a theoretical-practical test (10%) and to the delivery of the final report of the project (40%); or (ii) Final exam (60%) and the delivery of the final report of the project (40%).