
Name: Geochemistry
Code: GEO12567L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Geology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


In this training, students have the opportunity to understand the fundamental geochemical behaviors and the geochemical interaction in the various geological processes and systems.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The contents of this course have necessarily an introductory character and they are based on the understanding of the fundamental geochemical principles, looking for giving to students a global perspective and an interrelationship of the various natural processes. Its main goal is to prepare students with knowledge about the chemical behaviour of various processes and geological systems, essential to a good monitoring of subsequent subjects in Earth Sciences scientific area.


1. Notions on Cosmochemistry
- From Big Bang to Nucleosynthesis
- Origin, differentiation, chemical evolution of Earth
- Geochemical composition of the Earth
2. Chemical Properties of the Elements
- The Periodic Table; geochemical classification of the elements
- Chemical bonds
- Geological reservoirs and their compositions
- Radioactive isotopes. Geochronology
- Hydrogen and Oxygen. Importance of water in geological processes
3. Low-temperature Geochemistry
- Surface geochemical processes
- Weathering environments. Soils and sediments
- Surface geochemical reactions
4. Fluid and Aquatic Geochemistry
- Physico-chemical processes in aquatic environments
- Fractionation and speciation of chemical el. in natural waters
- Interactions with minerals and between dissolved species
5. High-temperature geochemistry
- Behavior of trace element (TE) in igneous processes
- Geological control in the distribution of TE
- Metasomatic processes.
6. Environmental Geochemistry
- Biogeochemistry of TE

Teaching Methods

Teaching involves lectures and practical classes. The lectures will give the principles and methods for understanding geochemical processes of sedimentary materials of low-temperature, solid rocks of high-temperature, and fluids. Practical classes will offer the tools to study the same processes and materials involved.
Students will have the opportunity to visit laboratories in full scientific activity with high-tech equipment for observation and geochemical analysis of rocks (SEM, mass spectrometer).
The evaluation will be carried out through (i) the realization of two theoretical tests (30% + 30% = 60% final grade) and a laboratory component that will include the student's participation in practical work and the writing and presentation of a report where they should be addressed the work carried out (40%), or (ii) final theoretical exam (60%) and report of the laboratory component (40%).

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )