Agricultural Botany

Name: Agricultural Botany
Code: BIO13977L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Biological Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese


The student should acquire knowledge on diversity (form and function) of plants with agronomic interest, on their taxonomy and recognition and with natural resources sustainability.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Knowledge on the morphological and functional diversity of seed plants with agronomic interest. Knowledge on principles and practice of biological systematics and classification (taxonomy) of cultivated plants, including botanical nomenclature. Taxonomic and ecological recognition of species of agronomical interest and weeds. Fundamentals of seed bank dynamics.


LECTURES: 1. The seed plant body – structural and architectural patterns; 2. Botanical nomenclature; 3. Taxonomy and ecology of plants with agronomic interest; 4. Weed biology and ecology. LAB: 1. Comparative study of vegetative and reproductive organs of seed plants; 2. Identification of flowering plant families specimens.

Teaching Methods

Lecture classes for thematic presentation and discussion, using a wide variety of technological resources. Teaching materials will be available on-line. Lab classes will include graphic interpretation of botanical diversity and plant identification and study of environmental factors effects on plant development. Lab work will be registered in a lab note book.
Evaluation: Lecture exam: 45%; Lab exam: 45%; Mini-evaluations: 10%.